Chapter 119 - Secrets Of Families

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There stands the Vice Admiral, Garp, in front of the Straw Hats. (Y/N) was just his usual self.

Garp: "Luffy! Isn't there something you need to apologize to me for?!" he asked his grandson.

Garp: "Luffy! Isn't there something you need to apologize to me for?!" he asked his grandson

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Soldier 1: "Vice Garp's got a grandson?!"

Soldier 2: "This is the first I've heard it!"

Nami: "Garp?! "Garp" is the name of a Navy hero!"

Sanji: "Luffy! Is he really your grandpa?!"

Luffy: "That's right! Don't you dare mess with him!"

He warn his friends if they would challenge his grandpa. Some earn a few sweats, (Y/N) had a bit of a frown to seem sad for Luffy to have Garp as his grandfather.

Luffy: "When I was small, he almost killed me a bunch of times!"

Garp: "Now, don't go around giving me a bad name. I shoved you into a bottomless pit... I threw you into a jungle at night... I attached you to balloons and let them fly... I did all those things in order to make you a strong man!"

(Y/N): "Seems we've found where Luffy's endless vitally comes from..."

Garp: "I eventually entrusted you with my friend and had you train with Ace... *sigh* but I take my eyes off you, and look what happens... I trained you to become a strong marine!"

Luffy: "*stands up* I told you over and over that I wanted to become a pirate!" he yelled at him.

Garp: "You got corrupted by "Red Hair"! How foolish!"

Luffy: "Sh-Shanks saved my life! Don't badmouth him!"

His grandfather then grabs his shirt and pull his feet off the ground. He got a fist ready to punch at him again.

Garp: "How dare you talk like that to your grandpa?!"

Luffy: "AHHH! I'M SORRY!" he screams.

Chopper: "This is terrible! Luffy got captured by the Navy!"

Nami: "Luffy!"

The rubber man was struggling to get out of the hands of his grandfather.

Sanji: "Oh, no! Luffy's combative spirit against that old man has already been broken!"

But then they both fell asleep.

Sanji, Chopper & Franky: "WHAT?! THEY FELL ASLEEP?!" they had their eyes stretched out and tongue flailing.

(Y/N): "This is one hell of a weird situation..."

Franky: "O-Oi, Top Hat! What should we do?!"

(Y/N): "..."

Robin: "He must've fell asleep." she chuckles.

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now