Chapter 2 - Whisky Peak

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There they were. Heading to a place called Whisky Peak, where you get a peek at the whisky. No it's where the so called thugs live, Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9, of course these group of pirates are accompanied by a inkman who recently joined the crew. (Y/N) (L/N). It was snowing and some people are just sometimes not phased by the coldness.

Nami: "What in the world is with this snow? It was warm just a little while ago." she shivered while looking out the window.

(Y/N): "The snow looks beautiful, looks like it's an art that should be doing." he walked to get his drawing book.

As for the others they were playing in the snow, Luffy was making a simple snowman but replacing the carrot with a stick and a hat with a barrel. While Usopp was building something more complex.

Luffy: "Alright I'm done! This is the man that fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel!"

Usopp: "*laughs softly* That's such a crude snowman." he says as he showed his snow building of a women.

Luffy: "What?!"

Usopp: "Look at my soulful artwork, the Snow Queen!"

(Y/N): "Amateurs..." he sprinted outside and build something that was more detailed and complex.

The two boys turned to the shadow that was getting large to see (Y/N)'s creation. It was a giant throne that had swords in it with the king who was him sitting in the throne.

Luffy: "Whoa! (Y/N) you're talented! Oi Usopp, Snow Barrel Punch!" he pushed on of the arms of his snowman and send it towards Usopp's Snow Queen making the head disappear.

Then it went into a massacre when they both started fighting and throwing snow everywhere. That was the time when the inkman realised that it was his time to get back inside.

Nami: "How come they're so energetic when it's cold?" she looked at the two boys playing around.

Sanji: "Nami-san! How much snow shoveling of love would you like me to do?!"

Nami: "Please continue until it stops snowing, Sanji-kun!"

Sanji: "YAY! NAMI-SAN!" he yelled at the window while getting rid of the snow off the ship.

(Y/N): "And why is he such a simp?" he said sitting at the table while drinking tea.

Mr. 9: "Hey, you. Doesn't this ship have a heater?"

(Y/N): "If fire count then put your face in it." he said to the crowned boy who was still fearing (Y/N).

Ms. Wednesday: "I'm cold."

Nami: "Shut up! You guys aren't guests! Go help shovel snow or something!" she yelled at the thugs.

(Y/N): "That's shocking."

Then lightning came striking down from the sky. (Y/N) managed to take a glimpse of it to make him do another drawing in his mind before doing it on paper. Nami looked out to see it as well.

Nami: "Lightning? What on earth is going on with the weather around here?"

The became harsher than ever. Everything that Crocus and (Y/N) said was true. Nami started looking at the long pose again and realised that they went to far which made her screamed that caught everyone's attention, Sanji stopped and looked at the direction of the screaming, Luffy and Usopp finally stopped fighting each other.

(Y/N): "Oh that's not good *sips tea* you need to turn the ship around 180 degree... and fast." he said walking back into the shelter.

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