The Mystery Mark

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*Alright so I'm not to sure what I think of this chapter but whatever I posted it* 


It took another 20 minutes of infuriating pain before I finally felt me cry myself dry and the feeling of the boiling skin and knife digging had stopped as well. The pain was still most certainly there, although it wasn't nearly as unbearable as before. Now I could stand it, or at least put on a brave face for the rest of the day.  

The only problem was that I was wearing a tank top, which meant that anyone could easily see the bloody skin indented mark that has now been etched into my skin. So I stood up and grabbed some tissues out of my purse and dapped at the mark on my skin taking the dripping blood away from it's appearence. 

I mentally debated with myself whether or not to skip the last four periods of the day - maybe I was making to big a deal about this though. I mean it was just a mark that magically appeared on my skin the minute Lena what's-her-face touched me... 

Okay no, something freaky was definitely going on. 

I didn't want to risk someone seeing it when I didn't understand it. 

On that note; I grabbed my purse, threw out the now blood covered tissues and pushed my hair back in hopes that it would cover the mark just for a little bit. I wasn't going to stay, I had a gut feeling deep down in my stomach that it wasn't safe. That wasn't safe. 

So, after leaving the ladies room I marched on down the halls of the school and hurried until I was back outside and into the fresh September air. I figured since the drive from my new house to the school was about ten minutes and considering I had no bloody idea how the hell to get back to my house it would take a little over an hour to walk there. 

I set out then, I knew that I had to cross through the downtown to get there at least - I guessed that helped and so I began to walk...and walk. 

A million thoughts were racing through my head as I trekked further and further away from the school. Did I have some kind of disease? Was that what the mark was? Was I sick or even worse... was I dying? And why was it in the shape of a sun? 

Then it suddenly occurred to me. The events that occurred this morning with the candle... the light - did that have something to do with the mark? They're both sources of light, that had to mean something. 

As I walked down the main street of Luna Falls, my eyes caught sight of the town hall that also served as the mayors house - but the building wasn't what caught my attention. 

Walking up the steps and into the house were two people that I knew all to well. It was my parents, now normally this wouldn't faze me - they wanted to know the town more so why not start with the mayors office? But the way they continuously kept on looking behind them to see if someone was looking was what caught my attention. 

I thought about following them, maybe running up and asking them about the mark but then I remembered that I was supposed to be in school and knowing my mother... she would kill me if she discovered I wasn't in my afternoon classes. 

So I continued walking, making wrong turns at least 8 times before finally I caught sight of the gates that led into our new home and immediately I quickened my pace. 

When I finally got to the house I burst through the doors and ran up to the bathroom. I was ripping through the cabinets searching for anything that would cover whatever mark this was. After I had dabbed it with peroxide and polyspore - although I doubt it would do any good, I then grabbed first aid tape and a flat cloth bandage and taped it up and over the mark. 

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