Them (Terrornuckle)

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Brian was.. different, or something. Exactly what he was Brock couldn't quite figure out, but in his eyes Brian was definitely more than he let on. The Irish guy was pretty weird, needless to say. Of course Brock didn't say that out loud. Brock was a nice guy, all the thoughts he had about people were kept to himself. But Brian..

"I can't believe this. 'Go get the help you need, honey. You're sick in the head.'  I can't believe she'd say that to me. After all the time the two of us have been dating, she breaks up with me with the cac excuse of saying there's something wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me at all! I'm completely normal, right Brock?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, definitely normal. That chick was a jerk to you anyways." Brock hated lying to Brian. He wasn't fully normal compared to most people. He was schizophrenic, and had a constant fear of them getting him. Brock didn't know who Brian's so called them was, and frankly he didn't want to know. It made him feel uneasy, knowing that his best friend basically belonged in a loony-bin. He'd rather not think about Brian that way.

"Hey, Bri. How about you come over to my house tonight? It could take your mind off of her. Just you, me, some video games, and tons of junk food. That sound like a good idea?"

"I don't know.." Brian trailed off, biting his lip. Brock knew exactly why. Brian hated going to other people's houses. He hated going anywhere. He was so afraid of them getting him that he almost refused to go anywhere outside his house. Brian's only exception was Brock, who he called his 'protector'. To him, as long as he had Brock nothing could ever harm him. Which of course wasn't good for Brock. Brock was a person who would get heavy anxiety from time to time, and just thinking about someone depending on him that much made him want to throw up. He could barely remember to go to the store to get milk, much less be able to take care of a man who was older and bigger than him. But somehow he managed to pull through and make sure Brian was always happy.  

"Hey, it's alright. I understand. We can stay here, if you'd like. Though with your setup I don't think we'd be able to play games with Vanoss and-" Brock was quickly cut off by Brian.

"Don't say his name!"

"Oh, come on man. How many times have I tried to tell you? Vanoss- (Brian flinched) -is not in league with.. well, you know."

"How do you know? There's solid proof he is, I'm telling you!" Brian protested, bottom lip quivering. Brock hated seeing him like this.

"Look, bud. Just because he's a homosexual doesn't mean he's one of the bad guys. I am, and you don't think I'm bad." It was true that Brock was gay. He'd been that way for as long as he could remember, but the only guy he had only truly liked was Brian. Brock didn't want to make him freak out though, so he never told him.

"He's different though. It doesn't matter that he likes boys. You do, and that's okay. He's different because he's dating one of the top commanders of the people who want to get me. Ha, and I can't believe I almost let him get to me.." Brian was referring to one of Brock's other friends, Delirious. He only thought he was apart of them because he had never seen his face.

Brock let out a long sigh. He knew it was pointless to argue with Brian about matters like this. He'd only respond with more ridiculous statements.

"Alright, whatever you say. Can we just play some games?"

That was how the rest of the day went for Brian and Brock. The two played video games such as GTA V, Super Smash Bros, and a couple of Gmod maps. It soon became night though and Brock started to get tired, which meant Brian and him had to go to sleep. That was the rule for the two of them, whenever Brock went to bed Brian did too. Brock only made this a rule so that he could keep Brian from wandering away from him. That way he could still keep him in out of trouble even when he wasn't awake.

Brock got Brian all settled into bed, kissing him on the forehead once he fell asleep. Then he retreated to his own makeshift bed situated on the floor of Brian's bedroom, and almost instantly drifted off.

Brock was jolted awake in the morning by the sound of an ear piercing scream. His stomach instantly dropped when he realized that Brian's room bedroom door was open, and Brian wasn't anywhere to be seen. Running as fast as his feet could carry him, Brock was immediately stopped in his tracks by the sight in front of him. Brian was standing over the body of his ex girlfriend, the one who had told him he was sick no less than a day before.

"Oh my god.." Brock mumbled, covering his mouth with his hand. There was blood everywhere. It stained the floor, Brian, and the knife Brian had used to kill the girl.

"Brock, it's okay! You don't have to worry, I got her. I knew she was one of them, especially since she came here. Obviously it was so she could take me away, let the rest of them take care of me. But it's okay, I stopped her before she could do anything." Brock knew there was no getting out of this one. A neighbor had to have called the authorities by now, there was no way no one had heard the scream. What had he got himself into?

"Brian, take a shower now. Get all of that washed off of you."


"NOW!" Although Brock's voice was trembling, he still scared Brian enough to get him to do as he said. After all, Brock had always been kind and patient with him. He may have gotten annoyed more than once, but he had never raised his voice at Brian.

As Brian showered, Brock tried to think of a solution to the situation at hand. There was no way he'd be able to pretend like the murder had never happened. He didn't know how to get the blood on the floor cleaned up in time, or what to do with the poor girl's body. One idea popped into his mind, and after a couple more minutes of thinking it seemed like the thing to do. It would destroy Brian, no doubt, but it'd keep him safe and out of prison (or worse, an asylum).

Not too long after Brian had cleansed himself of all evidence that he had ever killed his ex, the cops showed up.

"Put your hands in the air!" One cop yelled, and Brock immediately stepped in front of Brian.

"No, leave him alone! He didn't do anything, it was me. It.. it was only me." Brock was taken away in silver cuffs, with Brian screaming his name the whole time.


Word Definitions:

Schizophrenia- A brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.

Cac- Irish form of "shit".

Asylum: An institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill.    


Brian (Terrorizer) and Brock (Moo) are best friends. The reason why is because Brian has a bad case of schizophrenia, in which he believes that a group of imaginary people that he calls them are out to get him. Them aren't real of course, Brian only thinks they are. Brock takes care of Brian, making sure that he 'stays out of trouble' and is happy. Brian mostly only feels safe around Brock, thinking of him as some sort of protector for him against them. One day Brian ends up telling Brock about his girlfriend breaking up with him, saying that he was mentally ill and needed to get medical help. To make Brian feel better Brock decides to stay the night at his house, and is awoken the next morning to see that Brian has killed his ex girlfriend. She came by his house to talk to him, but believing that she is in league with them Brian accidentally kills her. Brock knows that the police will be coming to get Brian soon, and to prevent that he lies and says that he's the one who killed Brian's ex, therefore being arrested and sent to jail.  

Wow, I'll admit that was kinda dark. Sorry if it seems that I'm using too many medical/mental seeming circumstances for my one-shots, I just know all this information due to wanting to be a nurse when I get older. I know all this medical stuff, I might as well put it to good use for now.   I hoped you enjoyed.

If you have certain ships and plots that you want me to make a one-shot of, just comment on here or message me in private messages or my message board. Anyways, that's all. Bye!   

  --------------------------Setin Out-----------------------------

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