19 Years (H2OVanoss)

2.3K 70 15

Jonathan sighed, rolling out of bed at the sound of his alarm clock going off. In his opinion, 8:30 was way too early in the morning. Jonathan didn't have much of a choice in getting up though, seeing as it was his first day of College. He definitely needed to be ready.

After taking care of his regular morning activities, Jonathan grabbed his keys and backpack and left his apartment. No, he didn't have a dorm, and he didn't plan on having one. Jonathan wasn't a very social person, and to be honest college boys were... well weird.

Needless to say, Jonathan was slightly worried about college. He probably wouldn't make that many friends (he didn't have any as it was), and he didn't have any contributing factors to make him popular. He wasn't athletic, smart, tough, any of that. Jonathan was just your regular everyday guy, who also happened to have an addiction to videogames.

Just as Jonathan had his hand on his car door and was about to open it, he heard a male voice call out to him.

"Hey! Wait!" They yelled, and despite his best instincts to just get in the car and drive away, Jonathan decided to turn around and see who this person was. When he did, only one thought crossed his mind to describe this guy, and it was hot.

He had raven black hair, spiked up in the front. He wore a white t-shirt with a red leather jacket over it, and black skinny jeans that were pretty tight, and it took all of Jonathan's willpower to not let his jaw drop in amazement. By the time the guy reached Jonathan's car he had straightened himself up, trying to act as casual as possible.

"Hey man, thanks for not driving away. You'd be the third person this morning if you did." The dark haired male said, panting from the running. Jonathan couldn't deny that he was shocked that two people had driven away from this boy already. He was the definition of perfect, with soft brown eyes and a smirk that would make any girl or guy swoon. Clearing his throat, Jonathan decided to respond.

"It's no problem. You sounded like you needed my help. What do you need, anyway?"

"Oh, right! See the school needs to realize this is why I can't wake up this early in the morning. I forget everything!" The guy laughed, and his laugh made Jonathan smile widely. It was beautiful, just like him.

"Anyways, I need a ride to the University of Los Santos. My car's been in a repair shop for a few days, and I missed my bus for the morning. I've been trying to get people who look like they'd go there to take me, but so far it hasn't worked out." The sheepish smile on the boy's face made Jonathan chuckle, and he nodded toward the passenger seat of his car.

"You're in luck then, mysterious University man. I was about to head there myself." The University guy quickly ran to the passenger side of Jonathan's car, getting in and buckling up. Jonathan got in the driver's side, putting his keys into the ignition and then drove away from his apartment once it started.

"By the way, my name's Evan." University guy, now known as Evan, said.

"I'm Jonathan."

"Jonathan? Eh, that's a bit too long. How about Jon? That work for you?" Jonathan smiled at the sound of his new nickname.

"It's perfect."

The rest of the year for the two was the best they'd ever had. Evan and Jonathan became best friends, and they were together all the time. They eventually made more friends going by the names of Tyler, Craig, David, Marcel, Lui, Brock, and Brian. Since they all liked video games they made channels on YouTube of them playing games, and somehow got millions of subscribers. Despite having all his friends and YouTube though, Jonathan's mind was always on Evan. It had been 19 years of his entire life existence, and he never had a best friend until Evan. There was no doubt he was absolutely delirious over him.


Heyo! I almost didn't make this because the original first part that I had for it got deleted, but I continued it anyways and I'm pretty proud of the result. Anyways, that's all for now! Bye!

----------------Setin Out----------------

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