"𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞" - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟔

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grace was stood in the kitchen making herself some breakfast. she was becoming far more hungry than usual during pregnancy, since she was now feeding another person.

she heard her phone ringing from the side, so she quickly wiped her hands and walked over to answer it.

"hello?" she questioned, as she answered the phone.

"hello" a familiar female voice replied.

"addison" grace smiled, as she sat down at the counter. "how are you?"

"i'm good" she replied. "and yourself?"

"i'm great"

"so..." she started. "what's new in your life?" she questioned.

"uh, well i got married" she told her, as she answered with a yes. "and i'm five months pregnant" she smiled, as she placed her hand onto her stomach.

"what!?" addison exclaimed. "oh my god! congratulations" she told her, as grace smiled and thanked her.

grace enjoyed talking to addison. however, she did find it quite random how she called, but she wasn't complaining.

"so, you may be wondering why i called out of the blue" she said. "well, there is reason" she told her. "i saw you're double-board certified, that's great!" she congratulated.

grace aspired to be like addison. she was always well dressed and put together, even at work. she was focused and smart, she was one of the best in the country.

"i would love to come and visit you some time soon" she told grace.

"that would be so nice" grace smiled, as she began eating her toast.

the girls finished their chat, as they arranged a date when addison could come and see her. she was pretty busy, but she made sure there was time.

a few days later...

addison had arrived in seattle, unfortunately she couldn't stay for long, but she was there for a full day at least.

she didn't want everyone to know she was there for some reason, so grace made sure to respect that.

"hey, i'm going out for brunch with addie" grace smiled, as she walked downstairs all dressed up.

grace was wearing a crisp white blouse, which was fitted at the waist showing off her small bump, untucked with a double split hem black mini skirt.

she paired this with some black knee- high leather boots and matching black leather shoulder bag.

"you look great" he told her, as he gave her a kiss.

"thank you" she smiled, before grabbing her car keys. "i'll see you later" she called out, before getting into her car and driving to meet addison.

"oh my god! look at you" addison exclaimed with a wide smile on her face, as she walked over to grace and gave her a warm hug.

the girls walked over to sit down at their table, as they ordered their food. "so how's your mom doing?" addison asked with a smile.

"uh, she's good" grace nodded. "she's dating this new guy and he's nice" she told her.

"that's great for her" addison nodded, as she took a sip of her champagne. "and what about luke?" she asked. "he's married right?"

luke always had a thing for addison when they were younger. he would always try and impress her by showing her what tricks he could do or by making her laugh.

"yes" grace nodded. "he's got a little girl as well" she added, as she sipped her lemon water.

"what!?" addison exclaimed with wide eyes. "he's got a daughter?" she questioned with a shocked expression.

"yep, she's three and a half" grace smiled, with a light chuckle.

addison shook her head in shock, before sighing to herself. "god, time moves fast" she stated. "i mean, i remember when you were in diapers" she chuckled, as she referred to when she used to babysit grace. "and now you're going to be having a baby" she smiled excitedly.

it was great catching up with addison over brunch. they always got a long so well. grace had known her for most of her childhood, before she became a teenager and then they lost touch, since addison went to med school and became pretty busy.

"so, how are you finding being a fellow?" addison questioned, as grace explained her answer.

"i'm happy with the specialties i chose though" she smiled, as did addison.

"well, i'm aware this all sudden" addison sighed, as grace moved slightly in her chair to hear what she had to say. "but, how would you feel coming to LA for a bit" she suggested. "i could help mentor you and..." she explained, as grace nodded at her words.

grace thought about the offer addison had made. she was so grateful that she had wanted to give grace this opportunity, but she knew she couldn't take it. it wasn't the right circumstances. she also knew that jackson wouldn't be up for moving half way across the country either.

grace sighed, as she opened her mouth about to talk, before pausing again. "look, addison..." she sighed again. "it means so much to me that you want to give me this opportunity, it really does, so please know that" she told her, as she nodded. "i just don't think the timing is right. i'm five months pregnant, i'm a newly wed and i don't think jackson will be prepared to pack up and leave..." she explained to her. "and there's also a lot of stuff i still need to deal with from the plane crash"

a small smile formed on addison's face, as she looked down. grace really didn't want her to be disappointed. "i understand" she told her. "you have a lot going on and it makes sense" she smiled.

the girls did some shopping together, as they spoke about what was happening in each other's lives, they also spoke about memories the two had, but grace couldn't remember a lot of them so it was more addison explaining.

grace really enjoyed her time with addison. she was someone grace looked up to when she was only young and she still did.

addison also mentioned that if grace ever need anything to do with pregnancy, she would come straight to seattle and help her, without a doubt.

they got ready to say their goodbyes. addison reached out for a hug goodbye. the girls stood for a few moments, before releasing.

"don't be a stranger" addison chuckled, as did grace.

"we have to do something again soon" grace smiled, with a slow nod.

"yes" addison nodded. "and i can't wait to meet this little one" she said in a high-pitched voice, as she knelt down to look at her bump.

"it was great seeing you, addie" grace smiled again, as she reached in for another hug, before they said their goodbyes.

A/N: i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! i really wanted to build a stronger relationship with grace and addison, since i've mentioned her before in a past chapter. thank you for reading! <3

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