Chapter 8: Voices

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Lol Technosoft

Techno froze. It had been almost a week. An entire week if just spending time with (Y/n) and peace of mind. Obviously, he knew the voices would return. It was inevitable. But he at least hoped it would happen while he was alone. He hoped it would happen away from (Y/n).

Are we lying tho? 👀
How can I see that?

Amongst the worry was relief. Relief that the voices were merely being a nuisance and not violent as they have been in the past. After the return to his senses, then came the embarrassment: Techno had just been stood there, hand on the doorknob, staring into space with a look of confusion for about two minutes. Looking up, the only expression (Y/n) gave was a look of confusion and concern.

Lol you look like a dumbass.
Shut up. You are literally just a voice.
Well guess what dumbass? One, you've given in to me before. Two, we are multiple voices, thank you very much. And three, you're doing it again.

He was, as the voice said, once again blankly staring off into space. "Oh, apologies. You're probably confused", Techno began. (Y/n) responded with a curt nod, her confusion never leaving her expression. "You can come inside and explain. I don't wish to let a draught in while you hold the door open.", she joked. While his blush may have been hidden by the pink tint of his skin, he was clearly embarrassed as he released his tight grip on the handle of the door and entered. Upon entering the house,  there was an open space with doors to the left of a flight of stairs on the far end and a large mirror with golden frame along the right wall. To the left was a lounge area: two sofas and an armchair faced a fireplace, in as close as to a semicircle the rectangular seats could be, with a grand mantle above. On the floor in the middle was a dark crimson carpet with golden embroidery, the symmetrical embroidery partially unclear at that distance and angle.

Techno sat on a sofa so to his right was the mantle, ahead of him was a broad window with frames painted an ivory white, and to his left was (Y/n) sat on the other couch. She was sat at an angle so she could properly face him, her right leg bent over her left thigh. Her shoe hung loosely from her toes covered by creamy white stockings. All the leg past half way up her calf was covered by her (f/c) skirt. Her right elbow was on the armrest and her hand held up her chin. Her left hand simply rested on her lap. The way (Y/n) sat held no malice, no judgement, no intimidation, only curiosity and patience, yet it was still so unnerving. She was the first one outside of his family and close friends he was telling about the voices, after all. He's received a variety of reactions when telling this: laughter, an off-put look, but the worst he'd faced was a look full of pity. No empathy, just pure pity.

Please don't pity me, Techno pleaded in his mind, his eyes closing as he took a deep breath. Upon opening his eyes, he was confused to see a look of confusion and concern on (Y/n)'s face. Then he realised. "I said that aloud, didn't I?", he rhetorically asked before letting his gaze drop to the floor again, random loose threads on the carpet suddenly becoming extremely interesting. "I would never pity you, Blade. You are a friend. No matter what you tell me, that will still be true.", she comforted, an almost motherly smile gracing her face when Techno looked her in the eye. Techno held eye contact for a moment before taking a final deep breath. No matter what troubles burdened Techno, (Y/n) always seemed to know just what to say. Techno's Ruby eyes looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) ones as he finally mustered the courage to speak. "I hear voices in my head.", he confessed before becoming silent once more.

She thinks you're weird. She's gonna tell everyone. Kill her.
No! She hasn't even spoke yet, I'm not gonna kill her! Even if she detests me, I would never harm her.

Cutting the conversation with the voices short, Techno saw a reaction he rarely received: (Y/n)'s eyes shone with curiosity, her lips pulled into a thin line to stop herself immediately bombarding him with Questions. It was a little surprising, but finally, Techno said, "Do you have any questions?" (Y/n) seemed to deflate as she sighed and hunched forward, but with the speed she shot back up, it's a relief she didn't have whiplash. "Is there more than one? What do they say? Is it random or can you control when you hear them? Oh, apologies for going so fast.", she basically interrogated him. The sudden questions made him flinch, but Techno laughed lightly before responding. "It's fine. There is more than one, but they all speak in sync most of the time, so I treat it like just one. They always say the randomest things; sometimes they crave violence, other days they mock and belittle me. I can't control when I hear them, they have a mind of their own. They can go silent for weeks at a time or even bother me while I sleep.", he explained.

(Y/n) nodded in understanding before continuing the questioning. By the time they realized how long they'd been talking, the stars had ready began appearing in gaps amongst the clouds in the inky black sky. (Y/n) walked Techno the short distance to the door and finally it was time for their delayed goodbyes. "I'm sorry for keeping you so long, I'm sure your family must be worried.", (Y/n) apologised, a look of guilt evident on her face. "Even if they are worried, I'd argue my time was well spent. It's better you know now than have someone else slander me with it later.", Techno commented. They gave their final goodbyes for the day and the door closed with a click.

Well, it was fun embarrassing you. Thanks for the blackmail material, Technosoft.
Oh shut up. There's barely anything there to blackmail me with.
Wow, no "goodbye, I'll see you later"? How rude.
Why am I still trying to talk to you?
Because you love me as much as you love that girl.
That's not true in the slightest. I despise you.
See how you didn't deny loving her?

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