-𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴

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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐱

NOW AT the salvatore boarding house, phoebe and elena were just getting out the car.

they walked up to the front door.

with being actually there, the girls debated on whether they should actually knock.

when the door suddenly flew open, elena and phoebe spun around coming face to face with stefan.

''what are you?" elena blurted out, a hard look on her face.

she got no response as stefan just looked starstruck between her and phoebe.

"what are you?'' the brunette questioned again.

''you know'' stefan looked between the two girls he cared about most, pressing his lips together.

''no, we don't'' honestly, elena nor phoebe were entirely sure what stefan was, which is why they were asking him.

''yes, you do, or you two wouldn't be here'' the salvatore teen narrowed his eyes at the girls, with sadness.

''it's not possible. it can't be'' elena denied any belief that she had about what stefan could be.

the salvatore stepped forward, setting down the wooden stake that was in his hand whilst elena and phoebe stepped back fearfully.

''everything you two know...and every belief that you have is about to change. are you ready for that?'' stefan questioned, looking between the two girls, who's eyes practically filled with tears, just by looking at the guy they thought they knew.

phoebe sighed, her facial expression turned hard,''what are you?'' she firmly asked, obvious sadness evident in her tone as she looked at the boy she obviously felt something for.

stefan hesitated, not wanting to say the truth, knowing it would change everything, but he had to, there was no backing out now.

''i'm a vampire'' he flickered his eyes between elena and phoebe for a reaction.

phoebe let out a shaky breath, shock filling her up inch by inch whilst elena's lips only parted in shock, not even comprehending what he just said.

''we shouldn't have come''.

the girls then turned to leave.

''no. please. please'' stefan stepped in front of the girls' way as they were backing away in fear.

''no. no'' phoebe pushed herself and elena away from him touching them.

the pair then made a run for it around him toward the car.

elena rushed into the car, but before phoebe could reach the car, stefan was suddenly in front of her, making her stop and look at him in shock,''how did you do that?''

''please don't be afraid of me'' stefan said blocking the girl's way of getting to her car.

''let me go'' phoebe told him, not wanting anything to do with him at the moment.

"no. phoebe, there's things that you have to know and understand'' he grabbed ahold of phoebe, trying to calm her down.

''let me go!'' she ripped herself out of stefan's grip and rushed to her car.

''phoebe, please'' stefan tried to reason with the dawson girl, but she wouldn't listen to him.

phoebe immediately got into her car and started it up, driving away.

she took a few deep breaths, trying to process what she and elena just experienced.


after driving a shaken up elena home and then making it home herself, phoebe rushed up the porch steps of her house, quickly unlocking the door and rushing in, shutting the door behind her and locking it.

she then ran up the stairs, bursting into her room, shutting the door behind her and moving into her bathroom.

she gasped out as tears filled her eyes, everything she learned about stefan running through her head all at once.

a few minutes of crying and silently scolding herself for not seeing it sooner, the girl cleaned herself up and moved back into her room, kicking off her shoes and laying down on her bed, letting out relieved breaths that she at least she was safe and sound at home.

the dawson teen had too much on her mind to be laying down, so she paced around the room, throwing her jacket off in the process and onto the bed.


the girl heard stefan's voice from behind her, causing her to gasp out and turn around to see him.

she backed away from him with a scarce expression on her face and turned to run out of the room, but stefan appeared behind her and shut the door close before she could.

fear heaved the girl's chest as she faced the door, tears stuck in her eyes, threatening to spill out at any minute.

her breath hitched in her throat, feeling stefan behind her, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

''i would never hurt you. you're safe with me'' he assured her, never wanting phoebe to be afraid of him like this.

the teen built up her courage to slowly turn around and face him,''all those animal attacks, those people who died...'' she trailed off.

''no. that was damon'' stefan shook his head, leaning in closer to her, hoping she could be able to know he was telling her the truth.


''yes. i don't drink human blood. that's not how i choose to survive, but damon does. i'll explain everything to you, but i beg you, phoebe, do not tell anybody'' the salvatore teen pleaded, knowing how dangerous this would be for everyone if the truth got out.

"how can you ask me that right now?'' phoebe questioned out of disbelief and fear.

''because you knowing this is dangerous for so many reasons'' stefan stated, not wanting the girl he's grown to care for in any harm's way because of him,''you can hate me, but i need you to trust me''.

''i do trust you, stefan'' phoebe nodded, truthfully, looking into his eyes,''but please go. just go, please. i can't do this right now. please'' she was on the verge of breaking down right about now, but she had to hold it in.

at least until he was gone.

seeing phoebe in this state broke stefan's heart,''i never wanted this. not for you'' he moved his hand off of the door, bringing it up to gently stroke her cheek.

for some reason, phoebe didn't back away or flinch against his touch.

her eyes actually softened, but the minute she blinked, he was gone.

phoebe sighed in confusion at what she was feeling, but didn't have the strength tonight to question it.

so she moved to climb into her bed, but no sleep came over her that night.

there was just too much on her mind.

mostly the one person at the center of all of it-stefan salvatore.

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