Chapter 40

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Let me have a look before I make a decision," the woman asked her assistants to collect the portfolios and prepared to get up. However, Yang Yuteng held her back by suddenly speaking.

"May I ask what theme you speak of, Miss Mina?"

The woman obviously did not expect Tangning to speak up, so she replied, "Oriental Trend, I assume a dull person like yourself isn't too suited."

"Has Miss Mina seen any of my works or seen me in any of my shows?" Yang Yuteng challenged with a smile.

"Aren't you a...newcomer?" she asked; she obviously had never heard of Yang Yuteng.

"Let me first ask you, was it Mr Andy that told you I was a newcomer?" Yang Yuteng remained calm - not wanting to sound overbearing.

"Yang Yuteng, don't go too far!" Andy quickly growled as he glared at Yang Yuteng "This is a decision between us, you don't have the right to question it."

"You used my popularity to bring Jake  to England and then used my name to boost your newcomers. You've used me so thoroughly, am I not allowed to ask a few questions?" Yang Yuteng asked sharply as he smiled at Andy.

"Yang Yuteng, you really don't know how to be tolerant."

"My tolerance isn't used to tolerate jerks, tramps and their wonderful relatives..." Yang Yuteng said towards Andy before he turned back to Miss Mina, "Since you haven't seen any of my shows, then let's not bother putting on this act. How about this, let's bet...before we even hit tomorrow morning, you will already regret your decision." After the words left his mouth, Yang Yuteng took big steps out of the room; putting on his sunglasses as he went.

Miss Mina was stunned by Yang Yuteng's confidence. After Yang Yuteg left she immediately questioned Andy, "Who is this model?"

"A newcomer model that will never get anywhere - no one important."


"Yuteng, what do you plan on doing now?" Evan questioned Yang Yuteng "We've already drawn the line with the cousins."

"You think if I hadn't drawn the line, they would have let me off easily?" Yang Yuteng laughed, "As I said earlier: SJ will personally give me a call tomorrow, or perhaps, they won't even be able to wait until tomorrow morning."

"OK, since you already have everything planned, we will just wait patiently for the result."

Evan was extremely curious how Yang Yuteng was going to turn the tables

The truth was, even before Sam had handed him an invite to the England Photography Exhibition that morning, Yang Yuteng already had other plans to deal with the situation. But Sam's intention was obvious: since Jake recruited the help of Andy, why couldn't he depend on him for once?

After all, Sam is his husband So, in the end, YU agreed to attend.

The exhibition was to be attended by many famous photographers, magazines and personalities, including...people from SJ. Most importantly, his mentor, the editor of England Royal  Magazine was the organizer.

The exhibition was scheduled for that night. So, after returning to the manor, YU quickly went to prepare. Even though the Entertainment Industry had its rules, it didn't mean there was no chance of change.

Andy thought he was in control, but tonight, YU was going to let him know, in reality, he was nothing. The consequences of his arrogance was, he would only be able to control B-grade models like Jake to satisfy his ego.

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