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Christina woke up after several hours. She groaned as she wrapped the sheets around her before she found her phone on the chair in the corner. She saw she had 30 messages on the group chat Tony made for them. She rolled her eyes before she left it on the side and got herself ready. She found herself a green checkered short skirt to go with her velvet black top and some black tights.

"Knock knock!" A voice said from the door, slowly pushing it open

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asked Clint

"Nothing, why is that your first question?" Clint asked

"Because it is the only time you come into a room and say the word knock" Chris answered as she tied her black and brown hair up into a ponytail.

"No, Tony wanted me to come get you, they are still looking through files" Clint said
"Oh and Laura wants to talk to you" Clint said as he handed her his phone

"It is my favourite Barton! How are you?" Chris asked her

"Missing you, did he tell you yet?" She asked

"Tell me what?" Chris asked, raising her eyebrow at Clint

"We are having our third child" Laura said with a laugh

"Is that Aunt Chrissy!?" Lilas voice asked from the background

"Yes it is" Chris laughed

"Auntie Chrissy! When can we see you next?"

"Soon, I promise" Chris laughed 

A few moments passed before she made her way down to the small conference room.
"There you are" Tony said

"Sadly so, I needed to sleep off those drinks" Chris laughed as she continued to read her messages before she saw one from Rhodey

'You came out to Steve and who knows how many others last night, just saying'

"Uh... shit" Chris muttered

"What?" Tony asked

"Welp, Rhodey just told me about shit I said last night... did we fight or something? I think I got stabbed" Chris asked as she felt the small pain from the cut in her back

"When do you last remember?"

"Getting the idea to go onto the table" Chris answered him

"There is a lot then" Tony said, tapping a file on the table

"Explains the amount of unknown numbers texting me" Chris giggled slightly

"Tony and me made a super bot who tried to kill us and now we are trying to figure out what to do next" Bruce said, walking in

"You did what?" Chris asked, glaring at her brother

"Don't worry, we have it under control!" Tony scoffed a little

"Sounds like it" Chris shook her head as she pulled up a box of files, seeing one oddly familiar one. She pulled it up

'Project Shadow
Strategic Homeland Intervation Enforcenent and Logistics Division
Director Margaret Carter and Howard Stark'

Those were the words on a simple sticker on the front. She opened it up and saw almost everything was redacted. She rolled her eyes before tossing it aside

"What was that?" Tony asked

"Nothing" Chris answered as she started to dig through some other files but Tony decided to pick it up

"Shadow? Ain't that your alias?" Tony asked her

"I didn't choose it" Chris shrugged as she saw Nat walk in

"You're awake" Nat smirked at Christina

"Somehow" Chris laughed slightly
"I might so for a quick walk or something. My head is spinning" Chris added as she saw Tony opening the file.

A hour or so later

"Chrissy, we are going for a mission... you ready?" Steve asked from the door of her bedroom

"Yeah" Chris said with an unusual tone than usual

"You okay?"

"Just getting ready..." Chris answered with a huff, looking around her trashed room
"I don't have any suits..." She realised

"You lost your suit?"

"Yeah" Christina said as she used her powers to make a Shadow figure appear and open the door

"That is... new... I'm sure Tony might have something" Steve told her

"Hopefully, the next best thing is a trip to Asgard for Eiras old clothes" Chris said as she grabbed a book before she followed Steve down to Tony

"What are you up to?" Tony asked his sister as Steve left to go talk to Thor

"I need a suit... if you have one" Chris told him as she picked up a tablet and saw her lab results

"I have a new one I added into the making while we studied the sceptre, here" Tony said as this picture of a grey, black and gold suit appeared on the tablet

"It looks great" Chrissy smiled as Tony walked to the side and pulled out a silver brief case and put it on the table next to Christina

"You can sound a little less sarcastic" Tony told her as she undone her jacket and turned to the mirror to see the healing glass wound

"I am not sarcastic Anthony" Christina laughed
"I just don't know how this is gonna go, if we find ultron... he might have some leverage on me with the entire Hydra part of my brain" Christina said as she then walked over to the case and opened it up

"It will be fine, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Probably the worst case now you said that" Christina said as she held up the suit and used her powers to put it on and her clothes ended up in her hands

"Possibly... talk go Romanoff or Thor about it... I need to get my suit ready" Tony told her. Christina sighed as she made her way upto the jet, holding her new boots in her hand as well as a set of gloves

"You're here early" Nat said as she saw Christina walk in

"Yeah... I am... Tasha, I need to give you something" Christina explained as she started to put on her gloves

"Give me something?" Nat asked, opening up her locker of guns

"My codes to deactive my... killer instincts... for now, I only want you to have these specific ones and in giving some to Thor as well but those are more personal ones for him" Christina explained as she gave Nat a piece of paper with 6 words on it

"Why are you giving these to me now?" Nat asked her

"Incase Ultron has the words" Christina answered as she looked up at Nat with a deep staggered breath

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now