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A few hours passed before Tony came downstairs and saw Christina

"How come you're down here?" Tony asked

"Oh, I was just using my computer, I couldn't be bothered to take it upstairs" Christina smiled as she turned to see him

"So you didn't see a creepy tall guy, goes by the name Fury in the lounge?" Tony asked

"Someone broke in!?" Christina asked in response

"In a way, he was the director of SHIELD. For some reason he wanted to make me join this weird thing, I said no" Tony told her

"I mean if someone broke into my house just to offer a job I would be... I would be more confused than anything else" Christina laughed as she pulled a picture up on the laptop

"What's the dog picture for?" Tony asked

"I just brought her... I get to go collect her tomorrow" Christina smiled

"A puppy? We have never had pets before" Tony said

"Well, you haven't anyway. I had this cute bird when you were at that school dad sent you to" Christina answered as she finished her drink

"Did you stand on the glass?" Tony asked her as he saw the shard

"Accidents happen, it's fine" Christina said

"I'll get it cleaned up and replaced soon... well, these last few months have been eventful, I think we deserve a vacation" Tony smiled

"You and Pepper can go, I think I'm pretty good" Christina said as she rubbed her ear a little

"Did he get you?" Tony asked

"Yeah... he tried to knock me out and used that device... my god they are annoying" Christina laughed a little

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you, I will be able to with the new suit" Tony promised her

"Are you sure about it all?" Christina asked

"Too late to worry about that now" Tony told her

"Fair point" Christina smiled as she saw the time
"I might go to sleep, you should too" Christina said

"Fine, jump on" Tony said as he turned around

"You do know I am a 33 year old... not 7" Christina said realising that he wanted her to jump onto his back

"And I am the only one who is wearing shoes" Tony answered her

"That's a valid point but like... I could still just walk like a human and jump over it" Christina laughed

"Tough" Tony said, the two laughed as Christina jumped onto his back and he carried her upto her room

"Thank you" Christina smiled as she jumped down and hugged him

"Go sleep Chrissy" Tony said to her

"Okay okay" Christina laughed as she walked into her room, changing into some pyjamas before sleeping through the night.

Christina woke up to her ever so recently alarm of Tony smashing objects in the garage. She stood up with a stretch before she grabbed herself some clothes and got dressed. She walked down the stairs to the garage as she tied her hair up in a pony tail

"What did you smash this time?" Christina asked him as she walked towards him

"Damn car window" Tony sighed

"Try clean it up before I come home, I don't want my puppy getting her paws sliced" Christina said as she hugged him before she took the keys to one of his cars and drove off. She made her way to a pet store and grabbed as much things as she wanted.

Christina loaded up the trunk with everything she brought, including a little seat for the puppy so she couldn't run around in the car. Chris quickly put it all together before she got in and drove to the owners home.

"Miss Christina Stark, am I right?" They said as she pulled up

"Yeah, I'm here for the puppy" Christina smiled as she got out with a tiny bag 

"Yes, follow me" They smiled as they lead Chris inside to see a 3 puppies alongside their parents

"They are adorable" Christina smiled as she stroked their heads

"Yeah, they are a handful but adorable" The owners laughed

"So my baby is this one, right?" Christina asked a she noticed the different eye colours in the pup alongside the brown and white patches

"That is yours, you got a name for her?" They asked as Christina carefully picked the puppy up

"Roxy, it is sweet and simple" Christina smiled

"That is adorable, is there any specific things you need besides the file for medical records?" They asked her

"Nope, that would be all" Chris smiled as they handed it over before stroking Roxys head

"I'll miss you little one, but this Lady will definitely prove an amazing run around house for you" They laughed as they then showed Chris out of the house. She sat in the car with Roxy in the back and started her drive home.

A hour later Christina finally arrived back home to see Pepper and Happy inside

"What's the welcome wagon for?" Christina asked as she carried Roxy in her arms

"Tony told us you were bring home a puppy, so I wanted to see her" Pepper smiled as she saw the cute little face

"Great, hold her for a few minutes while I go grab everything out the trunk... happy, can you help me?" Christina asked as she handed Pepper the puppy

"Sure I can" Happy said as he followed her and they brought everything inside. Christina sat down with the Puppy and put the cute pink and white collar on her with a tag in the shape of a diamond with her name in it before Roxy jumped down off the chair and ran around the house

"God I feel like a worried mom, glad I'm never actually going to be one" Christina stated as she saw Roxy barking at a bird outside

"I think you need this puppy, it will help you cope easier when Tony isn't home" Pepper smiled

"I know it would but I still think there is a difference between human interaction and a dog" Christina laughed as she placed some bowls down in the kitchen befor making her way to the lounge and placed

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now