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2 days later

Chrissy landed down on the ground, her bags in her hands. She ruffled around the small trail of the emerald green dress she wore before she heard a familiar noise

"You're back!" Tony smiled as he, Steve and Wanda walked out

"Yeah" Christina smiled a little as she hugged Wanda

"You look amazing" Wanda said as she looked at Christina's asgardian dress

"Thank you" Chris smiled as she jokingly curtsied to Wanda

"Who's clothes are they?" Steve asked

"They are mine... they were mine. It is a long story" Chris said as she twirled around and showed it to them

"How was it?" Tony asked her

"It was... it was fine. I got to see the places I remember and yeah..." Christina nodded

"I'll help you take your stuff upstairs" Wanda smiled as they all went inside
"Want to talk about it?" Wanda asked as they got inside Christina's room

"I just... I had a harder time than I thought it would be. Being dead for under 300 years made me miss a lot... I saw my family there and it was so difficult" Christina explained as she unzipped some bags

"I am sure it was just strange having the two sets of memories" Wanda said

"My brothers, older nephews and father all died... I was only 2 years late... if I woke up fully before the stone, I could've been there and saved them, saved the queen as well" Christina sighed as she pulled out her ring from the bag

"I am so sorry Christina" Wanda said

"I just... I don't want anyone knowing" Christina said before she grabbed some of the dresses and her other belongings she chose to keep

"I won't tell anyone but you should tell Natasha, she would want to know" Wanda told her

"I will tell her tonight... how are you settling in here? I feel like crap leaving you just after the entire battle" Chris stated

"I'm okay... I don't want to talk about it" Wanda answered

"Little hypocrite" Chris shook her head with a tiny laugh as she pulled out a picture and placed it next to the bed
"I should really decorate in here if I'm gonna stay" Chris nodded slowly

"You should stay, Tony is leaving again tomorrow but I think you should stay" Wanda told her as she placed the dresses in the wardrobe

"That is just my brother for you, coming and going all the time" Chris said as she left somethings in a bag
"I'm gonna go put these down in my locker"

"I'll come with you" Wanda smiled as the two walked down the halls and to the locker room. Chris pulled out the box and placed it carefully at the top
"What are they?"

"Power dampeners. Kari thought it would be a good idea for me to keep them while I still adjust to the powers" Chris explained as she put the bag at the bottom before closing it up again
"I need a drink" She sighed as she walked into the kitchen, looking around until she found the alcohol

"Is that a good idea?" Wanda asked her

"Probably not but I have been drunk on Asgard within the last 2 days so what makes any difference anymore" Chris said as she poured out some vodka

"That made no sense but... I think maybe you shouldn't drink" Wanda suggested

"No stopping me now" Chris said as she downed a shot

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now