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Chris ran down the stairs and down to the sound of people screaming and running out. She saw a male on the platform with an eye out.

"Gross" Chris muttered as she followed the crowd and she grabbed her staph and held it close in her hand while Loki followed everyone outside.
"Fury, he has people!" Chris whispered angrily down the comm as she was caught in a square of people

"Just don't engage!" Fury answered

"I said-" Loki started as all 4 of him had their staphs glow a bright blue
"-kneel!" He yelled

"Chris do it" Fury told her as he listened in. She got down on one knee like the rest of the crowd

"Is this not simpler, is this not your natural state?" Loki started as he walked through the crowd of people
"It is the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your lifes joy in a mad scramble for power. Your identity, you were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel" Loki spoke

"1 minute out" Nat spoke over the comm line while a mad stood up near Chris.

"Not to men like you!" He said to Loki. Chris was getting ready to pull the pin on her cylinder to get her staph for an attack

"There are no men like me" Loki laughed

"There are always men like you" The man argued

"Look to your elder people, let him be an example" Loki said as the staph whirled. Chris pulled the pin and stood up ready to take the blast but someone jumped infront of her and deflected the blast back to Loki

"Did you wait for that moment?" Chris asked Steve

"Funny" Steve said to her before they walked closer to Loki
"You know, last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everyone else, we ended up disagreeing" Steve spoke as Loki got up from the floor

"The soldier, the man out of time" Loki laughed

"I'm not the one who's out of time" Steve said as Nats jet came in and the gun came out from underneath

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down!" Nat warned as Loki fired the scepter towards the jet, luckily missing.

"Get the people out" Steve told Chris as she helped some people up while he went to fight Loki. Chris saw enough time for her to get in the way while Steve got back to his feet. Chris dodged several punches while she wacked him with her staph a few times.

"I told you to stay away" Loki snarled as he hit Chris hard on the floor before he went after Steve, holding the scepter on his head. Chris stumbled to her feet as she helped Steve fight. She kicked Loki in the face before he threw her down next to Steve but soon heard the familiar taste in music come over the jet system before she saw the red tin can.

"He took his time" Chris muttered as Tony came and blasted Loki down harshly.

"Make your move reindeer games" Tony warned as he got all weapons aimed at him. Steve helped Chris to her feet before they walked next to Tony who made Loki change to a suit again
"Good move" Tony said as he released his weapons

"Mr Stark" Steve greeted Tony

"Captain" Tony said as the Jet landed.

"Good job" Chris smiled slightly Nat came out with an agent.

"You okay?" Tony asked his sister as he took the helmet off

"No, I ruined the dress" Chris grumbled as she looked down at it

"It just needs a wash, dramatic" Tony said as Chris learned on her staph before everyone got onto the jet.

"Nice to see you again Steve, sorry it was like this" Chris said

"Did you find anyone to help?" Nat asked from the front

"No, no one that helpful" Chris answered as she saw Loki having a continuous glare on her. She looked confused as she wrapped her arms around herself with a slight shiver. Steve handed her his leather jacket from a bag and placed it over her shoulders
"Thank you" Chris smiled

"You seem off" Tony said to his sister

"No I don't, you just haven't seen me at work or in the last 6 months" Chris answered

"Your suit is in a bag, Fury said you would probably prefer to wait till you got to the Helicarrier" Nat told her

"Yeah I will wait" Chris said as she found the bag and her belongings in it from the hotel.

"Where is Roxy?" Tony asked

"Training base...she is becoming one of SHEILDS first dog agent" Chris answered as she showed him a pic of Roxy in a SHIELD harness. She breifly looked at Loki to see his eyes still fixed on her
"One moment" Chris said as she handed Tony her phone and walked over to Loki
"Are you going to tell me why you are stalkerish glaring at me?" Chris asked the Asgardian, only to get a small smirk in response. Chris rolled her eyes as she got up and walked back to her brother and Steve, seeing a thunder storm appearing. A bolt came down near the jet causing Chris to stumble into Steve
"Sorry" She apologised as they saw Loki suddenly seem on edge

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Steve asked him

"I'm not overly fond of what follows" He finally spoke as a huge thud came from the roof, Chris, Steve and Tony all stumbled at the shake but then another one came and Chris fell right into Steve

"I swear I'm not doing this on purpose" Chris said as he carefully pushed her upright while Tony got his helmet ready

"What are you doing?" Steve yelled as Tony opened up the door, a roughly familiar face came landing down on the door. Tony was about to shoot at him but instead he hit Tony hard that he crashed into Steve and Chris

"You're heavy!" Chris groaned as she felt her arm trapped under his suit while she watched the male take Loki away by his throat

"Now there is that guy" Tony said as he got up

"Another Asgardian?" Nat asked

"Yeah, the one from New Mexico" Chris said as it clicked into her head

"That guys a friendly?" Steve asked

"Doesn't matter, if he frees Loki or kills him then the Tesseract is lost" Tony said as he walked to the open door

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan, attack" Tony said as he jumped out. Steve rolled his eyes a little as he went to grab a parachute

"Steve, I wouldn't go" Chris told him

"Yeah, I would sit this one out Cap" Nat agreed

"I don't see how I can" Steve answered

"Quite simply" Chris answered

"These guys come from legends, they are basically gods" Nat added

"There is only one god ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that" Steve said as he grabbed his SHIELD and jumped out as well.

"Damn it" Chris said

"You are staying here" Nat ordered Chris

"I wasn't planning on fighting an Asgardian in this dress, let alone two!" Chris stated

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now