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The jet landed and the 4 came back on

"You are an idiot" Chris said as she slapped her brother on the head

"Ow, why me?" Tony asked

"You left first" Chris said. She turned and heard Thor say something but couldn't make out what
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Chris asked him

"What is your name?" He asked

"Christina, you're Thor, right?" She asked and he nodded
"Nice to meet you, Eric Selvig spoke highly of you when I saw him a month ago" Chris smiled

"You know Eric?" Thor asked

"Yeah, he is a good guy" Chris nodded slightly as Tony poked her arm
"That's my weakened one!" Chris grumbled as she swatted his arm away

"You got a cut on it!" Tony argued with her
"For some high trained agent, you are such a whiny kid" Tony added

"Have you seen her fight?" Nat asked Tony

"No" Tony answered, getting a small smirk from Chris
"Now that made you seem oddly scary... where is my actual sister" Tony joked

"Chris" Nat said, handing her a communication device after Chris' was ruined from Loki

"You all in one piece?" Fury asked

"For now, no promises Tony will be when we get back" Christina teased getting a look from Tony 

"I need him in once piece Chris" Fury said

"Fine. What can I do for you?" Chris asked

"I need you straight on the bridge, also most of SHIELD level 7 and above has knowledge on your relation to Stark" Fury added

"We can solve that after we get the Tesseract back" Chris stated

"See you in a few" Fury said as the line went quiet.

The jet soon arrived on the top of the Helicarrier. Chris grabbed her bag and walked off with Steve after they took Loki

"One sec" Chris grumbled as she took her heels off. Steve helped her stay standing as she awkwardly grabbed them
"You're really useful" Chris laughed as she held the shoes and bag in one hand and started to walk with him again

"Stop flirting with Capsicle Chrissy, he is like 3 times your age" Tony told her

"I'm not flirting, I'm being nice" Chris grumbled as she walked with Steve to the front in the ball gown

"You made it" He said

"Sadly so" Chris said

"I want you with Hill for helping control these people" Fury told her

"Once I'm in uniform... " Chris said as she grabbed her bag from the table

"There is something in your locker in for you" Coulson smiled at her as he joined her

"Thanks" Chris said, pulling her unsure face as she walked with him

"I had nothing else to do here so I thought I would be nice" Coulson laughed

"That's why you're one of my best friends" Chris smiled as she reached her locker. She scanned her thumb on the handle and it opened to a small batch of cupcakes
"Oh you are the absolute best" Chris laughed as she took one out and saw his little hand written note at the bottom. It was a thing the two done for years, leaving messages for eachother during or after missions.

"I got to go see your brother, I'll see you soon" Coulson said as Chris grabbed her things and got changed into her uniform. She walked out to the Bridge again

"That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn't notice... but we did" Tony was yelling. Chris raised an eyebrow as she walked next to Maria Hill
"How does Fury even see these?" Tony asked

"He turns" Hill answered

"Sounds exhausting... the rest of the raw material, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density... something to kick start the cube" Tony explained

"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" Hill asked

"Last night" Tony answered

"He was the only one who done extra homework" Chris laughed

"Exactly, the packet with Selvigs notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I really the only one who did the reading?" Tony asked

"Yeah, pretty much" Chris laughed

"Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" Steve asked

"He would have to heat the cube to 120 million Kelvin just to break through the coulomb barrier" Bruce explained from the back as he paced around

"Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilise the quantum tunneling effect"

"Well if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion in any reactor on this planet"

"Finally someone who speaks English!" Tony smiled

"Is that what just happened?" Steve asked

"Did Loki really say anything yet?" Chris asked Hill

"No, he refuses to announce anything about the Tesseract" Hill answered

"I'll go with Tony and Bruce to the lab in a moment. I just want to get this done with" Chris said

"Why? Chris, what has Loki done to you?"

"Nothing. I just am exhausted from moving from one fight to the next over the last 6 months" Chris explained

"Shall we go play doctor?" Tony asked Bruce

"This way, sir" Bruce said. Chris nodded to Fury before she ran after the two

"Are you allowed to go into a lab?" Tony asked

"I am allowed to do a lot more than you are" Chris answered
"Nice to see you again Bruce" Chris smiled

"You too Agent Carbonell"

"Just Chris, please... I am happy you accepted Nats offer to come here, although she isn't usually too friendly about it" Chris laughed as she opened the door to the lab for them

"She was nice... so how do you two know eachother?" Bruce asked

"Oh right, Carbonell is my, our, mothers maiden name. Its Christina Stark" Chris explained

"That makes sense" Bruce smiled

"I'm just gotta sit up here and let you two get on with it" Chris said as she grabbed her headset and sat down on the counter side. She pulled her phone out and started to relisten to the conversation she had with Loki at the gala

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now