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The jet soon landed just outside this old and ruined ship yard. Christina got off and teleported up into a ship, hiding in the dark shadows as she saw Ultron, the twins and this dealer guy.
"He is here" Christina announced down her comm, only to then suddenly be infront of Ultron and Wanda with Pietro behind her, holding her hands down

"I told you to stay away" Wanda hissed at her

"I can't leave you like this, either of you" Chris told them, switching her comm off

"We don't want your help" Pietro told her

"You're Hydras newest killing pet, aren't ya?" The male asked her

"I'm not anymore" Chris answered

"You don't get to decide that one, honey" He warned which allowed her to bend his arm back while Ultron spoke the words and Christina's mind faded backwards as the programming Hydra set came forward

"How did he know her trigger words?" Wanda asked her twin

"I...I may have given them to Ultron" Pietro shrugged as they saw Christina stand up to attention

"At least she can't take us away like that" Wanda said but really knew the pain it would case Chris when she came back

A few moments passed before Steve, Thor and Tony came in. Ultron started to greet them but Christina couldn't hear what was being exchanged between them, just saw the physical movement of their mouths. She soon got a nod from Ultron as she teleported herself over to Thor and started to attack him, her hands emitting this darkness as she shot it at him while staying in her state where nothing could physically touch her

"Eira! Come on, you can stop this" Thor hissed and were the few words she could actually hear but being the highly trained assassin Hydra made her, she ignored it and seemed unphased. She kept blasting him as hard as she could
"Eira, think of Kari!" Thor shouted, causing her to suddenly freeze up

"Kari" She whispered before she changed her state and stumbled a bit
"Oh my" Christina whispered before she used her powers to stop Pietro zooming to knock her over

"How did you break free?" He asked

"Because there was always a plan, do not take me as a fool" She answered as she teleported him to the other side
"What exactly am I suppose to do here?"

"Chrissy, we went over this already" Tony's voice said from the comm line

"Sorry, Mr Stark but I had to take over Christina for a while so the plan is not exactly in my memories" Christina answered with an Asgardian accent

"Preferably don't get hurt and try help as best you can" Tony answered. Eira looked around as she looked down at the suit that was on Christina's body, seeing a slight part she could change to enhance her abilities. Eira made an entire legion of Shadow fighters appear as she tried her hardest to help out in the battle on the ships
"We got a... a Hulk situation!" Tony said over comms

"A what?" Eira asked

"Where is Romanoff?" Tony asked

"She is down" Clint answered while Eira looked around, seeing Ultron had left and so had the twins

"Ultron is gone" Eira spoke down the comms

"Round up everyone on the jet, I'll meet you there" Clint told her as she walked to see Thor and Steve slowly getting up

"Go to the jet, I'll catch up" Eira told the two, getting a nod as they left. Eira looked around before she saw the twins out on the ground. Eira teleported down to them and held her hands up carefully

"What are you doing, Christina?" Wanda asked her, holding her head a little

"To warn you both, you have chosen this path now... you do understand eventually there will be consequences for those actions you desire to take?" Eira asked the two

"Are you really questioning us about our choice right now?" Pietro asked

"I already stated what I was doing" Eira rolled her eyes, seeing Wanda about to use her red magic on her
"Your telekinesis will not work on me in such a state, Miss Maximoff. This is your final warning from me as you will not win this battle on Ultrons side" Eira said before she teleported to the jet
"Thor" Eira spoke, sitting next to him

"How are you still here?" Thor asked her

"I am about to give Christina her needed rest... she should sleep it off for a while to get out of Hydras control... she is in need of help to get the controls out her head" Eira told him

"I... I will help her at Asgard" Thor said, avoiding any sort of eye contact

"What did she show you?" Eira asked him

"What do you mean?"

"Thor, I lived in the same hallway as you for over 300 years... I know when someone has scared you beyond a normal prank from Loki" Eira smiled

"It was nothing" Thor lied

"I'm sure... sure it was" Eira yawned as she slowly led down and passed out. Clint grabbed a blanket from a case and carefully put it over Christina

"Is she okay?" Tony asked Clint

"She is asleep so... I guess" Clint answered

Several hours later

"Hey, sleepy dumbo" Clint said, shaking Christina

"Fuck off Arrows or imma shove one in through your head" Christina grumbled as she grabbed the blanket and threw it on her face

"Welp, I'll let Laura or the kids wake you up then" Clint told her, seeing her suddenly sit up and look at him with fear

"Y-you brought me here? Clint... I can't" Christina stuttered as she looked at her hands

"Chrissy, you know Laura would never dislike you" Clint told her

"That's not what I am worried about... only a few hours ago I tried to kill Thor, our team member" Christina told him as she tried to control her watering eyes at the thought and memory of what she was doing

"Christina, look at me" Clint said, seeing her slowly look up with her shadowed eyes to meet his face
"None of that was you, I promise you that. I don't give a shit how much you want to convince me otherwise. Eira even told us how it wasn't you... look, just take some time to relax here with the kids and Laura" Clint told her as she just fell down and hugged him tightly

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now