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Chris waited at the front of her house, helping the agents get the correct things ready to give to Tony

"That should do it" Chris nodded as two came and took the box as she and Coulson followed

"Welp clearly you knew my dad better than I did" Tony said as they came closer

"As a matter of a fact I did, he was one of the founding members of SHIELD" Fury told him

"What?" Tony asked

"I got a 12 o'clock" Fury said as he was getting up to leave

"Wait wait wait! What's this?"

"You're good right?"

"No I'm not good!"

"You got this, right?"

"Got what? I don't even know what I'm suppose to get!" Tony argued with Fury

"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact, Christina will be with her... you remember Agent Coulson, right? Oh and Tony, remember... I got my eye on you" Fury said as he walked off

"I disabled all communication, no contact with the outside world. Good luck" Nat said as she walked off

"One moment" Chris told her as she saw her brother

"Where are you going to stay?" Tony asked his sister

"A safe house... behave for me, Phil is not the best babysitter" Chris laughed

"Phil?" Tony asked

"That guy, just have fun with dads things... it is the best I could sort for what you need" Chris told him

"You know about all of this?" Tony asked her

"She can't answer that" Phil butted in for her as she then hugged her brother before she walked away.

"You aren't staying with me... there is something you are being assigned to" Nat said as she and Fury stood around

"What?" Chris asked
((fyi, I am just changing it up a little so it can set for Avengers))

"A tale your father loved to tell you... we found him" Fury said

"Wait really?" Chris asked

"Get yourself something warm, you're going to the Arctic now" Fury told her. Chris quickly grabbed as much layers as she could before she made her way to the Arctic on a jet.

"Agent Carbonell, I hate to pull you away on short notice but we could use all the help necessary" An Agent greeted her

"Its no issue, are we sure it is him?" Chris asked

"Pretty sure" He said as this huge ice cube came out and it had the shield at the surface before the faint outline of a man

"Let's get him home" Chris said.

After a day or so later, she got a message saying he was fully awake and walking about. She was stuck in Brooklyn away from Tony and all of the issues she wanted to help with. Chris walked around in her standard SHIELD suit with her special hood she added before she went down to a room where her childhood stories came from was sat there.

"Mr Rogers, meet Christina Stark or known Agent Carbonell" Fury introduced her

"It is a honour Mr Rogers. Call me Chris though" She smiled

"I'll let you two talk, see you soon" Fury said as he left

"Do you want a drink or anything?" Chris asked

"No, it's fine... Stark?"

"Yeah, I'm Howard Starks daughter. Him and Aunt Peg use to tell us stories of you all the time as we grew up. Tony got frustrated but I always found it fascinating" Chris laughed as she sat infront of him

"Is that why you became an Agent?" He asked

"Partly... I wanted this because my dad and mom died before I got to training... dad being a founding member gave me a good spot anyway but Peggy trained me to be great then I was accepted and made my way into one of the highest ranks in SHIELD" Chris explained

"I'm sorry about your parents" Steve shrugged awkwardly

"Its fine... it was a long time ago. Once it is deemed clear for you, I would happily show you around" Chris offered

"I might take your offer. Everything is so different now" Steve said

"Yeah, the world has moved on a lot since the war. I am available most of the time for anything, just if you call me infront of other agents it has to be either Tina or Carbonell for a while... SHIELD try to keep me some sort of a normal life in here" Chris laughed as she wrote her number on a small card and handed it to Steve

"Thank you" Steve said with a smile

"Anytime... I am being sent back to my annoying brother at some point soon hopefully but until I get that call, I am here with you" Chris explained

"Maybe try get me out of this room?" Steve suggested

"That is so easy, I'll take you to this lovely coffee place not too far from here and gives you some place to be familiar with" Chris suggested as she opened up the door
"Relax, this guy is too nice to hurt anyone" Chris told the agents outside. She took Steve on the train and to a small coffee shop downtown .

"You come here often?" Steve asked her

"Not really, I just know the pieceful places to clear your mind from a place full of war and chaos" Chris said

"You have been in wars?"

"A few ones SHIELD has sent me into for a few months, I mostly do minor missions more recently due to my so called 'rest leave' from a car accident 3 or 4 weeks ago" Chris explained to him

"Smaller missions sound more fun" Steve smiled

"A little, this has been the most fun one in a long time" Chris said as she took a sip of her drink before she got a call
"Sorry, it's my friend" Chris apologised as she answered Natasha's call

"Hey, how is it going?" Nat asked

"You don't mean that at all. What has Tony done?" Chris asked

"Nothing, I just wanted to see what's happened over the last few days. Coulson came back but is going to Mexico for a new case" Nat explained

"Yeah I heard about New Mexico" Chris agreed

"Barton is enjoying his idea of the pop up station for now" Nat laughed

"He always does because they give him that awful crane tower he hides in... anyway, I will probably see you soon" Chris said as she ended the call

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now