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The portal opened up more and they soon saw a empty land infront of them. Chris grabbed Karis hand and kept ahold of Buckys at the same time as they made their way through the portal with Groot as well
"Kari, do me a huge favour... don't die on me" Chris whispered as she let go and they stood still with Bucky

"I won't, I can't anyway" Kari said

"Tony, Tony! Hope this line still works but we made it... we made it back here" Chris said down her own comm line, turning to see everyone around her before she saw Thanos and his army infront of her.

"Avengers! Assemble!" Steve shouted, with that everyone charged forward. Chris flew off with Wanda, the two bonding their powers together to make a powerful beam for a moment before Chris changed course, flying down to the ground to fight lower.

"Shit!" Chris groaned as she had 7 bigger aliens around her. She took on the ones in the middle just as someone else got the outer two for her. She looked up and saw Tony stood there as he undone his helmet
"Tony!?" She shouted as she ran upto him and hugged him

"You made it back!"

"You assholes left us in Wakanda, we were only out for 30 odd minutes" Chris stated as she slapped his shoulder before she ripped up 4 aliens that charged at them

"30 minutes? Chris, its 5 years later!" Tony almost yelled

"Funny joke... wait are you being serious?" Chris asked, Tony was about to answer but she hushed him
"Cuz we all know my trust issues and I know this is weird timing as we may all get eaten by aliens... what year are we in right now?" Chris asked down the comm line

"2023... why?" Clint answered

"Holy shit, someone needs to explain what the fuck happened!" Chris almost yelled as she kept fighting

"Firstly, watch your language as cap says and secondly, not now Christina!" Tony said as he flew off

"Alright, I got it" She said as she found Kari again and the two started to fight together.

"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve randomly asked down the comms

"Yes, but you're not gonna like where its parked" a woman answered

"I can try bring it closer?" Chris offered

"No, we can get it working from there" Scott stated.

A few moments passed and suddenly beams came down out the sky, hitting right next to Chris and Kari. Chrissy groaned as she rolled over, seeing the sorcerer's had moved above her and Kari to protect them from the oncoming

"Chris, do you see the kid?" Tony asked down their private line

"No... I can't see Peter anywhere near me" Chris stated as they saw the cannons diverting away from them.
"Is that Carol Danvers!?" Chris asked him

"You know her?"

"Jeez, yeah" Chris answered, fighting off as much as she could with Kari still.

The rest of the battle felt like a repetitive blur, she cleaned the blood from her lips and looked up and around

"Chris, I don't know if you can hear me... I love you to pieces" Tony said suddenly down their comm. Her head was ringing as she faintly heard it

"What!? Tony... what?" She asked, looking around. She flew upwards and soon saw Tony with the stones
"Anthony! Don't! Don't do it!" She begged him as she then saw him snap. Her eyes swelled up with tears as she flew straight down next to him
"Tony, tony... please don't leave.... I can't be here without you, I am not ready! Call me selfish but... I can't lose my only family I have left" Chris cried as she hugged him. She moved away and sat on her knees next to him as Rhodey came over on the other side of him. Peter soon came down and Chris moved aside a little, her ragged breathing as tears kept falling down her face. Her thoughts were so precise, she felt like everything was drowned out around her, seeing Peter try talking to him but she couldn't hear what he was saying. Christina finally got the courage and she stumbled away from Tony's body. She pushed pass the people until she saw Clint.

"Clint... where is Tasha? I-I can't find her anywhere" She asked hesitantly

"Chrissy... you can't...you can't see her... I'm sorry" Clint answered

"No... don't say... I need my best friend... I-I-I... I need Tasha" Chris cried

"Chrissy" Wanda said, hugging Chris as the tears fell down her face

"I need Natasha" Chris sobbed into Wanda's shoulder

"I got you, you're okay" Wanda tried to comfort her, bringing her to the floor before Kari came running over and joining in

"Mother, you're okay" Kari comforted

After a while, Pepper found the three and Clint
"Christina..." Pepper whispered as she gave Chris a location. Chris said goodbye to Wanda and Clint before she held Peppers and Karis arm and teleported her there through her powers.

"This is where you live?" Chris asked

"Yeah... Tony brought it after he came home and rested at the compound for a while" Pepper explained

"Why am I coming here?" Kari asked

"Because of two reasons" Chris said as the door opened and two 6 year olds ran outside

"Mom!" They shouted as they ran to Chris, crying

"Look at you! All grown up" Chris said as she hugged them tightly

"We missed you so much" Demi cried

"I missed you both a lot" Chris said as she pulled away and looked at her two 6 year old kids

"You need to meet Morgan!" Ollie said as they turned to see Pepper stood with a tiny brunette

"Go on Morgan, go meet her" Pepper reassured her kid. Morgan came upto Chris

"Hi Aunt Chrissy" She said and Chris felt her eyes water

"Hi Morgan, I am so happy to meet you" Chris said and the little girl hugged her

"Dad told me stories about you" She said

"Really?" Chris asked her

"Yeah, about your powers and how you were super cool" Morgan said

"He use to tell us about you every night because he was scared he would forget about you" Demi said and Chris wiped a tear from her face

"I guess it's my turn now" Chris said and her face dropped as she looked at Pepper hopelessly.

"Go inside for a few... maybe get some things ready for Christina's room and also for Kari" Pepper suggested to the three children, they walked away slowly as Pepper crouched down next to Chris and hugged her tightly

"Pep, I'm not ready to be without him" Christina cried

"I know, I'm not either... we will get through this, I promise" Pepper whispered as she hugged her

"You both will get through it well, I know you're strong enough to do it" Kari said

A fair few minutes passed before Pepper took Christina inside with Kari.

"So, who are you?" Demi asked Kari

"I'm your sister... in a way" Kari smiled

"Awesome!" Demi laughed and hugged her

"Why are you dressed like that?" Ollie asked as he saw Kari's green and silver Asgardian dress

"Want to hear a cool story?" Kari asked the three kids

"Yeah!" They all said

"I am actually a princess from another planet" Kari said

"You have to tell us about it!" Demi laughed while Pepper took Christina to the kitchen

"I won't stay long... my things... did Tony keep them?" Chris asked

"He did. They are in a locked storage close by, just stay here for a few weeks... we have the room" Pepper told her

"Pep, you don't have to keep babysitting me. You know better than anyone that I hate being looked after"

"You just lost your first lover, first family, best friend and your brother in what felt like one day for you... you need the looking after" Pepper argued

"I will be fine... I have Kari... I have the twins... I have you and Morgan close by... it will work out somehow" Chris said, biting down on her tounge to stop the tears and aching voice from showing again

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now