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6 months ish later

Christina and Rhodey were attending the usual virtual meetings they had with the governments. Christina grew bored of it quickly as Pepper and Tony went back to New York for a while so they could relax and have a slightly more normal life. The twins were in a small play pen in their roo. where Christina had constant attention on them through the many monitors she had set up. Everything was normal until she saw the gate security camera had someone outside. She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Bruce stood there

"Christina? Are you with us?"

"My kids are really upset... I think I will miss a few moments" Christina shrugged as she discreetly showed Rhodey before she grabbed her coat and ran outside to the gate
"Bruce!" Chris said as she hugged him tightly before bringing him inside the compound

"You have grown up well"

"Thanks... where have you been? What happened?" Chris asked

"Have you seen the news?" Bruce asked

"Tony is in space..." Chris said as she saw it as she took him into the twins room


"They are mine... what happened?"

"Thanos, do you know him?"

"I ever so sadly do, why?"

"He attacked Asgard" Bruce said

"Wait, attacked Asgard? Oh god... is Kari, Loki, Thor..." Chris couldn't finish the sentence, placing her hand on her chest

"I'm sorry I don't know " Bruce told her. She felt her heart shatter to pieces hearing that. Chris sat down near the two toddlers before she picked them up and took them into the conference room with Bruce

"Banner, you're alive" Rhodey said happily

"And brings news. Steve is coming here with Nat, Sam, Vision and Wanda" Chris whispered to Rhodey, getting a small nod

"I best introduce you properly, meet Demi and Ollie Stark" Chris smiled

"I never pictured you a family lady... more scary than anything" Bruce laughed

"I thought the same thing, yet here we are" Christina laughed
"Can I get you anything?" Chris asked, placing the twins in a huge playpen

"Nah, I'm fine... just exhausted... so, Kari is your?"

"Daughter... yeah, you missed so much since you vanished... My powers came from my Asgardian spirit but then after Age of Ultron, everything unlocked completely... I spent a while with Kari... Asgard is... was beautiful" Chris nodded slowly

"I'm sorry I can't confirm if they are alive or not... I really wish I could" Bruce told her

"Its fine... I don't expect you to know it" Chrissy said, looking away for a moment as she tried to focus
"We can wait back here for a moment but it won't end well when company arrives" Chris stated


"Nat, Steve, Wanda and Sam aren't exactly welcome in many countries anymore... this being one" Chris answered

"No we are not, mind if we land in the bay?" Chris heard Nat speak up on the line

"Yeah, just watch the newer jet" Chrissy answered as she turned to the security footage to see Nat and Sam landing the jet. Chris carried the twins out with her to go see Rhodey at the front of the roo.

"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh" Rhodey shrugged

"On a stolen Quinjet with four of the worlds most wanted criminals" Ross added

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now