616 13 1

6 months later (35 weeks pregnant) / kinda rushed but it just was easier to squeeze into 1 part

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Tony asked Chris as they walked around the wedding

"Too late now. I got like 3 weeks until I'm due" Chris laughed as she hand her hands over the bump which was visible in the patterned dress she had on

The ceremony started and soon ended, Chris walked outside with Tony, he was talking away to some people while she greeted some younger girls
"One second... Tony, the kids GPS is going crazy... now the parachute is deployed... hes not slowing down... now he is in lake, the suit detects water" Chris read out from her watch

"FRIDAY, deploy suit" Tony ordered as he watched it through his glasses
"Got him" Tony told Chris as she relaxed a little before switching on her earpiece to hear Peter

"Then just swooped down like a monster then he was... we were up like one thousand feet then he just dropped me!" Peter explained
"How did you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit?" Peter soon asked

"I put everything in your suit, including this heater" Tony answered, rolling his eyes a little at Chris

"Behave" She laughed

"No" He told her
"What were you thinking?" Tony asked Peter

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons, I gotta take him down!" Peter answered

"Take him down now, huh? There are people who handle this sorta thing" Tony said

"The Avengers?"

"No, no, this is a little below their pay grade" Tony answered

"What if he is onto something, Tony?" Chris asked

"We can talk about that later" He told Chris

"Anyway, Mr Stark, you didn't have to come all the way out here, I had that" Peter said

"Oh I'm not... here... Thank god this place has wifi or you would be toast right now" Tony answered as someone came up and gave him a drink
"Look, forget the flying vulture guy please" Tony added


"Why!? Because I said so!" Tony shouted as they walked around, just as someone came and placed things around their neck
"Sorry, sorry... teenager" Tony told the woman

"Thank you" Chris smiled as the woman walked off

"Stay close to the ground, build up your game helping the little people... like that lady who brought you the churro" Tony said

"Why did you mention food" Chris whined

"Can't you just be a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman?" Tony asked him as he placed the drink on the wall

"But I'm ready for more than that now!"

"No you're not"

"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America"

"Trust me kid, if Cap wanted to lay you out he would've. Listen to me, if you come across these weapons again, call Happy" Tony told him as the two Starks got into the car

"Are you driving?" Peter asked

"You know, it's never to early to start thinking about college. I got some pull at MIT. End call" Tony said as he drove off

"That was a little harsh, he did nothing wrong" Chris told him

"I'm just trying to protect him" Tony sighed

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now