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Wanda and Chris helped people go into the buildings
"Chris, we need to get people onto the rescue ships" Steve came over and told her

"Alright" Chris nodded as she ran with Wanda and helped get many people onto the small life boats.

"Hey you" Rhodey said as he landed next to her, loading up one of the last boats

"Where did everyone else go?" She asked

"The core, something about it  being dropped" Rhodey answered

"Shit" Chris groaned as she teleported to the centre

"All of you against all of me, how can you possibly hold against something?" Ultron spoke as she arrived

"Like the old man said, together" Tony answered as the Hulk then roared. The army soon came charging into the centre and Chris zoned out, allowing her powers to take full control as her eyes changed to pure darkness as she shot a lot of the robots and destroyed them from the inside.

"We gotta move out, I can tell the airs getting thin. You guys get to the boat, I'll sweep the stragglers and be right beind you" Steve told Nat, Wanda, Clint and Chrissy

"What about the core?" Clint asked

"I'll protect it" Wanda answered
"Its my job" Wanda told them

"Then I will stay, our powers together can do way more damage" Chrissy said as she nodded to Steve

"Alright" Steve nodded slowly before he left just as Pietro came in

"Get the people on the boats"

"I'm not going to leave you"

"We can handle this" Wanda argued with him as two bots came in and they destroyed them
"Come back for us when everyone is off the floor, you understand?"

"You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you?" He joked

"Go" Wanda laughed.

The two protected the core, only for Wanda to suddenly start crying and screaming as she let out a huge burst of her powers
"Wanda?" Chris tried to see what happened, getting a good sense of it as Wanda sat on her knees crying
"Its okay" Chris tried to comfort her, only to see Wanda tilt her head

"Get on a boat, I'll see you later" Wanda told her as she walked off. Chris waited in the church still, turning for a second only to see a robot arm reach for the button

"No!" Chris shouted as she destroyed the arm as the city started to fall.

"Christina, leave!" Thor warned her

"I'll go with you in a moment" Chris told him as he summoned lightning. Chris felt the blast pass through her as she transformed into a shadow state next to Thor, trying to reach him as the city exploded but passed out.

She woke up in the lake, transforming back to her human self as she woke up Thor. Thor flew them upto the surface, allowing them both some time to gather themselves together before Tony found them

"You were on there!?" Tony yelled a little at Chris

"Can we just go? I am not in the mood for this" Chris said

About 24 hours later (I guess anyways)

"Are you sure you want to go with Thor?" Tony asked Christina as they walked down the hallways before seeing Cap and Thor

"Yes, I am sure" Chris smiled

"The rules have changed, were dealing with something new" Tony suddenly started

"Not this again" Chris sighed

"The Vision is artificial intelligence" Steve agreed

"A machine!" Tony nodded

"But does it count?" Steve asked

"No, it's not like a person lifting the hammer" Tony answered

"Right! Different rules for us"

"Nice guy but artificial"

"Thank you!"

"He can wield the hammer, he can keep the mind stone. It's safe with the Vision and these days safe is in short supply" Thor said

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator..." Steve continued

"Really?" Chris asked

"It would still go up" Tony stated

"Elevators not worthy" Steve said and Chris giggled

"I'm going to miss these little talks of ours" Thor told them

"Not if you don't leave" Tony stated

"I have no choice. The mindstone is the fourth of the infinity stones to show up in the last few years, it's not a coincidence. Someone is playing an introget game and is playing pawns with us... once all these pieces are in position" Thor told them

"Triple Yahtzee" Tony continued

"Do you think you can find out what's coming?" Steve asked

"I do" Thor nodded
"Besides this one, there is nothing that can't be explained" Thor said as he slapped Tony's chest. Chris smiled at her brother and friend as she walked with Thor

"See you later" Chris smiled at them

"You might want to hold on" Thor told her, she held onto him tightly as he lifted the hammer up, being beamed upto Asgard. Christina stumbled as Thor grabbed her arms as they landed

"That was weird" Chris laughed

"Here, take this" Thor said as he handed her a cloak, she wrapped it around herself as Thor walked with her down the rainbow bridge

"It is weird having this memory of being here yet also never being here myself" Christina said

"Well, now you can be the first Avenger to visit Asgard" Thor laughed as they approached this huge golden gate which opened upto the city

"It is beautiful" Christina smiled as she looked around

"I won't be staying here long so I want to re introduce you to my father... he will hopefully let you stay until you chose to leave" Thor said, Christina nodded

"Only a few days, I have business on earth" Christina explained

"Of course and I am sure Tony would not appreciate me keeping you here any longer than necessary" Thor laughed as they walked into the palace. Thor walked with Christina until they found this huge golden room which had the oddly familiar king sat on the throne

"My boy, you have returned... with a human" Odin stated as he looked between Thor and Chris

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now