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"Hey Tony" The brunette smiled as she knocked and open the door to his room

"Are you okay Chris?" Tony asked her

"What, yeah I'm fine. Mom and dad are leaving for their trip" She informed him

"Okay, I'll come with you..." He smiled as he walked out with her. The two watched from the window as they saw their parents leave for some business trip or something.
"That was anticlimactic, happy now?" He asked

"Oh come on Anthony, don't be so grumpy" The brunette laughed

"You can't say that, you're 19" Tony said, getting a scoff from his sister in response

"And you are suppose to be 21 but are acting like you're 70" Christina teased him

"Christina Maria Stark, I am not 70" He smirked as he chased her a little

"You just act like it... I was looking through some of dads stuff yesterday and found a cool picture from when he was still close with Aunt Peg" Christina told him as they made their way to the kitchen

"Shame we don't see her much anymore" Tony stated as he started to cook them some food

"I think I'll go see her when I get my car fixed... it is still in the repair shop, well I just think mom refused to allow dad to pick it up" Chrissy joked as she grabbed a glass of water

"What did you do to it now?" Tony sighed

"It wasn't me, I swear... I was meeting a few friends and they kinda drove it into a lamp post... on the bonus the airbags worked really well so the sale pitcher lied when he said they were a tad faulty" Christina answered

"A lamp post? Are you kidding?" Tony asked

"Completely wrecked the front of my car, but Jacob was okay" Christina said, seeing a small shake of the head from Tony

"I feel like I will have to get mom and dad to hire you a damn bodyguard and driver" Tony said as he gave her a pancake

"I don't need one if I didn't do it" Christina argued as she took a bite of her pancake
"I think you managed to burn it" She said with a laugh

"I didn't, you're being dramatic" Tony argued

"Rude" Christina stated as she took a huge gulp of water before casually slipping the pancake in the bin
"Note to self, my brother couldn't cook if his life depended on it"

"I will learn when I need to, but with the amount of money we have to inherit I doubt I'll ever need to" Tony protested

"Learning a basic human skill, so difficult" Christina laughed before she made her way upto her room and led on her bed. It didn't take her long to fall asleep, but little did she know... she slept through the worst news she would ever hear.

She woke up with a yawn to see her phone had broken. She let out a frustrated huff, she got dressed into some denim trousers alongside a black v neck top. She let her hair down from the bun it was in as the long brown curled locks flowed over her shoulders. Christina grabbed her phone and made her way out of her room, hearing muffled whispers but ignored it
"Tony can you fix my phone? It won't turn on" Christina asked before she then saw her dads business partner stood in the house

"Not now Chrissy, please just... sit down for a few" Tony said in a soft tone. Christina nodded slowly as she sat down infront of the two men

"There has been an accident... I'm sorry, Christina, neither of them made it" Stane told her as he slid over a newspaper article

"I... it is too early for this" Christina said as she left her broke phone on the counter before she ran upto her room.

"Will you two be okay?" Stane asked Tony

"Yeah, I can take care of Chrissy, she just needs time to process it all" Tony nodded

"I'll see you around" Stane told Tony before he left.

Meanwhile, Christina had sat on her bed, looking through the box of items of her parents. She picked up several objects and just brushed her fingers over them before the soft knock came from her door

"Christina, can we talk about it?" Tony offered. The brunette got up and opened the door to see Tony stood there with a small faint smile. Chris turned around and sat back on her bed but Tony sat opposite her and on the other side of the box of things.
"I know dad wasn't really... here for us, but I know you definitely got along so well with mom... I was so shocked when I saw the news come through  very late last night... I came to tell you but saw you sound asleep" Tony told her

"It's fine... thank you Tony" Christina smiled as she reached over and hugged him tightly.

A few days later

"She is upstairs in her room... she keeps telling me she is okay but she won't eat or leave her bed... I'm just worried about her" Tony told the woman as she came into the house

"She will listen to me, she always has. Go clean yourself up Anthony, I'll take care of your sister" she promised as her heels clicked as she walked up the stairs and knocked on Christina's door

"Yeah?" Christina answered, not moving to open the door

" 'yeah' ? What language is that from" The woman joked as she opened the door

"Aunt Peg" Christina smiled as she saw her

"I am here for you Christina and your brother and that will be for as long as you both need me" Peggy smiled

"You could just stay, you know" Christina said as she hugged Peggy

"I have a family that will need me eventually, but I can stay a week or two... let's get you dressed into something other than pyjamas" Peggy smiled

"I like my Pyjamas though" Christina whined

"No whining, or slouching. I taught you better than this Christina" Peggy stated

"Of course you did, my lady" Christina joked around in a fake British accent

"That sounds nothing like me" Peggy stated as she placed her hands on her hips

"Now you're doing that pose again" Christina giggled

"Christina, stop deflecting it all... why wouldn't you tell Anthony you were at least okay?" Peggy asked as she sat on the end of the bed

"I'm am okay! I am just... taking a break" Christina shrugged

"A break from what?"

"Reality?" Christina tried to answer

"Come on, it is nearly christmas day and I want you walking out of your house by then" Peggy told her

"I tried... people just want a quote on what me and Tony feel about this entire situation... what else can we say? They got killed in an unexpected car accident and Tony lost the company for now to Stane while you are the head of a spy company so we are alone" Christina stated

"I am not the head of just any company... how about we start those fighting lessons I promised you" Peggy offered

"No offence Peggy, but you're a lot older then when you offered those lessons" Christina stated

"Offence taken missy, get up" Peggy said as she gave Christina some clothes
"I want you downstairs soon, just stay with your brother for a few hours... and I'll even do your hair" Peg compromised with the brunette

"Oh fine" Christina sighed as she took the clothes

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now