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The next day

Chris was being sat down at the raft prison base while Tony and Nat were on the hunt for Steve and the others.
"Want a drink or something?" Secretary Ross asked her

"Bottle warner, glass of water and maybe a bucket I can use for my sickness?" Chris shrugged

"Really?" He asked her

"Alcohol is a no go so yeah" Chris grumbled

"Go get it for her" He told the assistant he had
"Any updates on the team?"

"Tony went to an airport... rumour has it that they are trying to leave the country... that's all I know" Chris told him

"Okay, I want updates when you hear anything" Secretary Ross told her as he walked out.

Hours later

Chris was sat on the floor, using her powers a little only to be distracted when Sam, Clint, Wanda and another was walked inside in Prison wear
"What the hell happened?" Chris asked

"Got them... you are on tracking Barnes and Rogers duty! I don't want you to stop until you find them" Secretary Ross

"Really? I am exhausted" Chris said

"I'll get you another glass of water, how about that" He told her as he walked off and the others were in their cells

"Chris... not wise" Wanda whispered

"I just need to relax" Chris nodded slowly as she saw her body shaking a little
"Stupid sickness" she said as she cleaned the tear that fell down her face

"Chrissy... how far along are you?" Clint asked, leaning against the bars and glass of his cell

"What?" Sam asked, seeing Chris roll her eyes

"8 weeks... 8 weeks with twins" Chris panted a little as she tried to relax

"You're pregnant!?" Sam asked

"Don't... Tony doesn't know yet" Chris said as she crossed her legs and was ready to try again

"Steve? Buck... jeez... what's going on?" Chris asked

"Where are you?" Steve asked her

"The raft... your little team just got brought into here... hang on I need to catch my breath" Chris panted a little

"What happened to you?"

"Exhaustion and pregnancy" Chris answered
"Where are you heading? I can come find you once I'm freed"

"No, we got to do this alone" Steve answered

"Be safe" Chris smiled at him

"Chris" Tony said, grabbing her shoulders. She looked up at him weakly as her powers died down. She sat down and drank the last bit of water left

"I'm okay" She whispered as he got up and walked around pass the newbie

"Hank Pym said you could never trust a Stark!"

"Who are you?" Tony asked him. Chris took a deep breath before she got up and walked upto Wanda

"Hey... I'm sorry" Chris told her

"Its not your fault" Wanda whispered

"I signed so... it partly is... please, forgive me Wanda... you're like my little sister" Chris said as she rested her head down on the door

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now