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"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey asked after they heard what happened

"And they can clearly find us" Wanda nodded

"We need all hands in deck, Where's Clint?" Bruce asked

"After the whole accords situation, he and Scott took a deal... it was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest" Nat explained

"Who's Scott?" Bruce asked


"Theres an Ant-man and a Spider-man?"
"Okay, look... Thanos has the biggest Army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he gets... visions stone" Bruce told them all

"Well, then we have to protect it" Nat said

"No, we have to destroy it... I've been giving a good deal of thought to this Entity in my head, about its nature... but also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something every similar to it's own signature, perhaps... its molecular integrity could fail" Vision said as he gradually got closer to Wanda until he was holding her arms

"Yeah and you with it" Wanda stated
"We're not having this converstation" Wanda shook her head

"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it"

"That's too high a price"

"Only you have the power to pay it" Vision said, getting a look from Wanda before she walked away from him
"Thanos threatens half the universe. One life can't stand in the way of defeating him" Vision said

"But it should, we don't trade lives, Vision" Steve said

"Captain, 70 years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?" Vision asked

"Because, you might have a choice... your mind is made up of a complex construction of overlays, Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another" Bruce said

"You're dying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked

"I'm saying that if we take out the stone theres still a whole lot of Vision left, perhaps the best parts"

"Can we do that?" Nat asked him

"Not me, not here" Bruce answered

"Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn't going to let you guys have your old rooms back" Rhodey spoke up

"I know somewhere" Steve told them

"Where?" Rhodey asked

"Wakanda" Steve nodded

"Then we go, the sooner the better" Bruce nodded

"Chris, you ready?" Rhodey asked, breaking her long thought

"Hmm, oh yeah... yeah" She nodded, walking off from them. She went out to the hallway only to hear Nat running with Steve to join her

"What's wrong?" Nat asked her

"Nothing, no... it's just... it isn't going to work... realistically there are only two stones that should be destroyed and Visions isn't either of them. The six work in a way it is mesmerising but... with the Time and Space, any of the destroyed stones can come back... especially more with the time stone and I have a huge feeling he will have it before he comes to find us" Chris stated as they walked around the hallways

"How do you know that?"

"I studied the stones on Asgard, practically inside out... I know them better than I know you guys in a sense" Chris answered as she opened the door to the twins room

"Mama, Tasha" They smiled as they ran upto the three

"Listen to me, I need you both to stay here and hidden... okay?" Chris asked them

"Why?" Demi asked

"Mama has to go to work with Tasha, Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda and Vision... I don't know what will happen here until Pepper arrives so I need you both to be safe, okay?" Chris told them, holding their hands

"Come home?" Demi asked with a small sad face

"Always" Chris said as she hugged them tightly
"Remember the secret knock is when you come out" Chris whispered to them before she let go

"Bye bye" Ollie said, his lower lip dropping as his eyes filled with tears

"I love you both, I will come home" Chris nodded as they ran off to their beds. Chris stood up and walked out of the twins room with Nat and Steve
"They really know how to pull on your heart strings" Chris laughed as she cleaned her face from her watering mascara

"Only gets worse as they grow up" Nat shrugged as they went to Christina's room. She grabbed her bracelets and put them on as she looked at the tracker on her wrist

"Hang on a sec" Chris said as she started to fade herself in a part shadow state where she destroyed the tracker and felt her powers grow a little stronger from it
"That's much better" Chrissy stated as she stretched

"What were they anyway?" Steve asked her

"Stupid trackers Tiny was forced to make for the government to track me over the last 2 years, they just happened to break when we all ran into eachother in Wakanda... my only free time without being tagged around" Chris told them as they walked through the hallways

"Let's get going" Sam said as they all then made their way out to the jet

"You ready for this?" Nat asked with a smile

"Always, girl. Gotta look cool for the twins, you know" Chris joked a little as they walked onto the jet

"Check channels" Steve said

"Checking for sparkles spandex, can sparkle spandex hear me?" Chris asked down the comms from the other end of the jet

"Haha, very funny" Steve rolled his eyes a little

"I saw that eye roll from back here, spandex!" She smirked

"And I'm sure T'Challa can see your attitude from Wakanda" Sam spoke up

"I will vaporise your ass, birdy" Chrissy warned

"You can't, you're not that powerful" Sam tried to laugh at her

"Well..." Rhodey spoke up

"She's not, right?" Sam asked

"Test her and find out" Nat laughed

"That's not fair, how is that even close to an answer" Sam grumbled

"She hasn't got her full potential yet" Wanda said

"Why tell me that after I said that!?" Sam asked them all

"You didn't give us a chance" Vision said from his seat

"That's... probably true"

"Let's get going" Chrissy laughed as she walked over and hugged Sam
"Don't worry, I need my sarcasm friend otherwise I'll get bored" She told him

"Is that my only purpose accord to you?"

"Hmm, no. You're easy to make fun of as well... like when Scott broke into the compound" Chris smirked as she whisperer it

"That's mean" Sam stated

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now