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The next night Christina was at the Firefighters Family Fund. She wore a slim fit red dress with a black over petty skirt from the small lace red belt down to the floor alongside some red and gold shoes. Her black locks were tied up into a French braid besides the two stands at the front which were curled. Christina looked over her clothes one more time before she left and was driven to the Disney Concert Hall. She press instantly crowded around her, taking pictures and asking questions as she arrived.

"Is your brother arriving tonight?" One asked

"Not sure" Christina answered as she kept walking up the stairs with her sudden security team.

"Miss Stark! What was it like taking over for such a big company, also are the rumours true that you are about to become the permanent CEO of Stark Industries?" Another shouted

"I am not taking over my brothers work, I promise that much" Christina sighed as she then heard the familiar sound of Tony's car pull up.
"That won't end well" Christina said as she saw Tony approach Obie for a moment before he walked upto Christina

"You got an invite and I didn't?" Tony sighed as she took his arm and they walked in

"I always get invited to everything" Christina laughed as they made their way to the bar where Chris saw Phil

"Give me a scotch, I'm starving" Tony ordered

"Just a usual gin and lemon for me" Christina smiled as they both were handed one
"They had these ready" Christina laughed

"Mr and Miss Stark?" Phil spoke up

"Yeah?" Tony answered

"Agent Coulson" He said

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah... the guy from the... um"

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logical Devision" Phil answered as Tony turned around

"God, you need a new name for that" Tony sighed as he turned around and faced the crowd

"Yeah, I hear that a lot... listen, I know this must be a trying time for you, but we need to debrief you. There's still a lot of unanswered questions and time can be a factor with these things" Phil tried to explain to Tony but he got distracted
"Let's just try put something in the books... how about the 24th at 7:00 p.m at Stark Industries?" Phil asked

"Tell you what. You got it. You're absolutely right" Tony said as he held his hand out to Phil
"Well, I'm going to go to my assistant, and we'll make it a date" Tony added as he walked off

"He was not listening to you at all, I hope you know that" Christina laughed as she took a sip of her drink

"I know, let's just hope he sticks to that date" Phil sighed as he stepped closer to Chris

"How long until they start dating?" Christina guessed

"You think they would?" Phil asked

"Yeah, you don't live with it all" Christina giggled as they watched for a brief moment.

"Want a dance?" Phil offered

"Would your girlfriend appreciate that?" Christina asked

"She knows we are friends, she just doesn't know how we met" Phil said as they started to dance for a while, until Tony dragged her outside

"Didn't you sleep with her like 3 months ago?" Christina asked as she recognised the blonde lady following them

"I'm Christine" She introduced herself

"And nearly has the same name as me" Christina stated

"Nope, you're called Chrissy" Tony smirked as they found Obie still outside. Chrissy stood with Christine as Tony spoke with Obie

"You're not one to get involved with all of this, how come?" She asked her

"I hate the idea of weapon sells for this exact reason... trust me, Tony has nothing to do with these sells" Chrissy answered

"Picture time! Christina, come here as well" Obie said as he helped her down to her brothers side as they turned to the cameras
"Tony, who do you think locked you out?" Obie tried to whisper
"I was the one who filed the injunction against you... it was the only way I could protect you" He added before leaving. Christina stood with Tony for a while as she saw how shocked he looked

"Tony" She whispered as she snapped him back into reality

"Its fine... just go inside or something" Tony said

"No, not without you... let's go home" Christina suggested as she signaled for someone to pull the two cars around

"How much have you drank?" He asked her before she took the keys

"Like 2 drinks" She said

"Nope, you're coming in my car" He said as he took the keys to her car

"I can't just leave my car here! We don't even own this building" Christina argued

"You stay extremely close to my car then" Tony said as he handed them back to her and the two drove back to the Malibu mansion. They got back and parked up before walking into their home

"Told you I was fine" Christina said as she placed her keys down on the side

"Yeah but I don't want anything to happen to you" Tony said as he then went down to the garage again. Christina sighed as she went to get changed into a onesie before sitting down by the smashed piano. She stayed comfortable for a while before she heard a huge crash come from downstairs

"Tony, what are you doing now" Christina sighed as she was about to go downstairs but then there was huge smashing from the windows.
"I'm not even gonna bother..." She said to herself as she made her way to the sofa again and started to play some movies.

What only felt like a few hours later turned out to be morning as Pepper walked into the house

"You are awake early?" Pepper stated as she came in

"It is morning? I swear it was like 12 or 1" Christina said

"It is 10 a.m." Pepper answered

"Wow... I'm impressed" Christina laughed

"Where is Tony?" Pepper asked, changing the subject

"You really gotta ask me that?" Christina responded as she nodded towards the stairs for the garage

"Thanks, go to bed Chrissy" Pepper smiled as she walked off

"Not a chance" Christina smirked as she played the movie

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now