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They made it to the club. Chris had stopped just before to get changed at her old apartment into a black laced bodysuit with some blue trousers. Steve had his leather jacket with some casual trousers but insisted that Chrissy had also brought a leather jacket with her.

"A whiskey and whatever he wants" Chris smiled as she walked upto the bar

"A beer" Steve shrugged as they bartender nodded. A few seconds later the two had their drinks

"Can you line up some shots as well please?" Chrissy added in

"Of course, Miss Stark" The Bartender smiled as they grabbed 4 shot glasses and lined them up after Chris had her whiskey.

Several drinks later

Chris was up om the stage with two of her friends, laughing before she grabbed the microphone and started singing away to Heart Attack by Demi Lovato
Steve looked up at her with a slight laugh as he didn't really know how else to react to her drunk singing.

"Spangles! Come join us!" Chrissy shouted after she finished the first song

"No, I am fine" Steve laughed

"Fine" Chris rolled her eyes before she started singing away to Lady Gaga songs with her friends. A song later she jumped down and walked to the bar where Steve was
"Can I get another drink?" She asked the male again

"Sure" He laughed as he poured her a new found cocktail she liked

"Thank you! Spangles, you want one?" Chris asked

"You might want to sober up soon, we will need to get you back" Steve said

"Eh, I haven't been this drunk since I was 20" Chris laughed
"Imma need the recipe for these. They are amazing!" Chris told him

"Anything for you sweetie"

"Flirty. Any song requests?"

"Just go for it" He laughed as Chris took back the microphone and continued to sing Call My Name and then started a small duet with the bartender with Where Them Girls at.

"Let's go back" Steve told Christina as she stumbled back to him

"Yeah, I don't feel good" Christina nodded as they then walked outside

"You okay?"

"Hmm" Chris hummed as she grabbed her hair tie and put it up in a high bun
"It is so warm" Chris laughed

"You never mentioned how well you could sing"

"Only Clint and Nat have heard me sing before so it is a secret"

"Where did you learn it?"

"Mother dearest taught me" Christina answered as they kept walking down the streets

"You want any food when we get back?" Steve asked her

"Nah, I will be fine" Chris smiled as they continued their walk until they reached the apartment. They took the elevator up but Chris laughed as she fell backwards out of it when the doors opened up.

"Is everything okay?" A blonde asked as she came out her apartment

"Drunk and disorderly" Christina smirked as she found her knife
"Dangerous and armed too" She laughed

"Sorry, she got a bit carried away" Steve said as he pulled Christina up from the floor carefully after he took the knife and hid it in one of his pockets

"No, I had full intent to get drunk" Christina argued

"Aren't you Christina Stark?"

"And you're Sh-Kate" Christina said pointing a finger at her, remembering her real name at the same time as her cover

"Where did the sh come from?" Steve asked

"Shomeone?" Chris shrugged with the emphasis on the sh

"Okay, I am going to take her to bed... see you later" Steve told her

"Maybe give her a little food and try get her to sleep, she will sober up in no time" The blonde smiled as Steve helped Christina into the apartment. Christina soon fell down onto the chair and instantly fell asleep. Steve laughed before he grabbed a blanket and placed it over her.

Chris woke up with a stretch, seeing Steve in the kitchen already making breakfast. She groaned a little as she made her way over to him.

"Morning" Chris yawned

"How'd you sleep?"

"Okay... I am so sorry about last night" Christina laughed as she grabbed a glass of water before she found the small pill box in her jacket pocket.

"You can sing really well" Steve laughed

"Yeah, so I have heard. I use to go around in a wig when I was in my teens, club singer and enjoyed the freedom" Christina laughed

"You should have done the full dance as well" Steve joked

"May I please steal you back for a dance?" Loki asked her as he joined her and 3 others in their little group

"Of course, my prince" She giggled as she carefully took his hand and went out to the middle of the ballroom. She curtsied with a small laugh before she got really close to him and they started the dance
"You're holding your breath again, you're nervous"

"All of Asgard is watching us, I think I can be nervous... especially as it is our first dance since I got you back"

"True but I think you're more nervous because you know my father and brothers are watching your every move" She giggled

"They do not scare me"

"Yes they do, you can not lie to me Loki"

"Christina?" Steve said, she snapped back but her hand done something strange which made her drop the glass and it smashed

"Sorry!" Chris apologised as she picked up the shattered pieces and placed them on the side
"I...I need to go, I am so sorry" Chris said, she grabbed her things and ran out the apartment building as she called Fury

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing, send me a meeting point for this mission debrief, I can be there from any walking distance from Steve's apartment" Christina said

"You're old apartment will do" Fury said as he ended the call. Chrissy smiled as she started the walk to her old place.

She soon arrived, picking her own lock due to the fact she lost the key. She closed the door behind her and went to the wardrobe and changed into her SHIELD uniform she had there just before Fury arrived.

"I need you to fly out to Strucker and watch over their work on the sceptre"

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora