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Christina got changed into some black trousers alongside a shirt and blazer. She messed her hair around into a 3 quarter parting before going back into the office with Pepper and Happy

"Let's go" she smiled as the three made their way into the conference room. Christina covered her eyes a little as she made her way through the crowd and upto the stand infront of them all
"Welcome here today... as most of you are ever so aware, my brother, Tony Stark, is reportedly missing until we find out otherwise. As the second born of Howard, it allows me to take over as CEO of Stark Industries until Tony returns home" Christina announced

"Miss Stark!" A few shouted

"Okay, okay... slowly, you go" Rhodey said as he jumped in and pointed at a lady

"Does this mean we can see a new development for Stark Industries?" She asked

"For the near future, I am not changing anything about what the company does. I am just going to oversee what is happening and make sure everything goes through smoothly" Christina answered

"What about your own company, M.S. Empire?" A male asked

"M.S. will be running as usual as well, I plan to run them both until I can't anymore" Christina smiled

"Who is out there trying to find Mr Stark and how long will it be until they call off a search party?" Someone shouted. Christina turned to Rhodey who then stepped forward

"That will be all today, thank you" Rhodes said as he then helped Christina out of the room and back to the office.

"That went awful..." Christina sighed as she sat down

"No, you done good... they were just asking awkward questions, as usual" Pepper smiled

"I want to go home" Christina said

"I can drive you" Happy told her

"No, no... I will drive myself" Christina answered as she took her keys and case before leaving

"Chrissy, come on... I can see that you're not okay" Rhodey said as he caught upto her

"I'm fine, I don't know what you're talking about" Christina shrugged as she kept walking

"You can't lie to me, I have known you for years Chrissy... let me take you home and I'll get you some food" Rhodey offered

"I'm not 19 anymore jeez, I need to sleep" Christina argued as she pushed past him and into her car she placed the case in the seats behind her before she drove home. She parked her car up in the garage before she walked up the stairs and looked around the empty house but made her way to Tony's room.
"Tony... please just come home..." She whispered as she walked in, so use to the familiar welcoming face of his from the last 11 years since their parents passed. Christina sat down on his bed for a brief moment before she got up, grabbing one of his jumpers and walking past her room to grab some shorts before changing. She walked down the stairs as she tied her brown locks up into a messy bun and sat down in her brothers garage.
"Hey JARVIS, what do you think... blonde highlights or dye my hair black?" Christina asked the AI as she opened the computer up

"I am unsure Miss Stark" JARVIS responded

"Oh come on Jarv, you have access to many things... run a small program or something to see what looks better then tell me" Christina laughed as she was also looking through some files

"I would say black hair, Miss Stark" He finally answered

"Can you then schedule an appointment for tomorrow to get it dyed by that lady" Christina asked as she opened up her notepad and started to write down some notes

"Which lady?" Jarvis asked

"That funny pink haired one" Christina asked as she screwed her face up at the screen

"Of course, would you like a specific timing?" Jarvis asked

"Hmm, nope... just before 3" Christina said she began typing away

"I sent the appointment, I will inform you when a response comes through... is there anything else I can assist you with?" Jarvis asked

" no no... it is fine" Christina said

●3 Months Later●

Christina was in a meeting with Stane and another member of Stark Industries.

"Miss Stark, any opinions on the design?" The member asked

"Add a little more of a camouflage colour to it and thats good enough unless we can try shrink it a little?" Christina suggested

"That is a tactical idea" Stane shrugged

"Of course it is, I came up with it" Christina smirked sarcastically at him

"Well, why don't we-" Christina got distracted as she saw a message come through on her phone. Her heart began to race as she finished it
"- Christina?"

"Yeah hold that thought... I gotta go" She smiled as she ran out and down the stairs to where Happy was sat with Pepper in the car. Christina jumped in the backseat and they left immediately after
"1) that was perfect timing and 2) I can't believe it... Tony is coming home" She smiled

"We got the message from Mr Rhodes at the house, so we came here to get you" Pepper said

"Have you been crying?" Christina asked her friend

"I hate job hunting, it was tears of joy" Pepper laughed

"I got to actually clean the house up then" Christina huffed as she realised the mess it has turned into over the last 3 months

"Don't worry, it has been taken care of" Pepper smiled

"Thank you Pepper" Christina smiled

"Are you ready to see your brother again?" Pepper asked her

"Yeah, god I haven't been this excited to see him since he came home from that boarding school dad sent him to" Christina told Pepper

"I'm sure he will be happy to see you" Pepper smiled as they pulled up at this military base where soldiers stood around the car as a part of security. Christina looked around as she got out and stood infront of the car with Pepper. They soon saw the jet come into view, Christine took Peppers hand and held it nervously as they saw the jet getting closer.

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now