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"Worthy" A robotic voice spoke as a broken suit stumbled into the front

"Holy shit it a fucking horror movie" Chris whispered but with the alcohol it was more of a yelled as everyone stood up to attention

"No, how can you be worthy? You're all killers" The suit kept speaking

"Stark!" Steve spoke up

"JARVIS" Tony tried to wake up the AI

"Sorry, I was asleep... oh, I was a dream. There was this terrible terrible noise and I was tangled in...hmmm... strings!" The suit kept speaking

"Tony, what is going on?" Chris asked him, snapping into her serious tone

"I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy" It said

"You killed someone?" Steve asked

"Wouldn't have been my first call but down in the real world we are faced with ugly choices"

"Who sent you?" Thor asked, Christina saw her hands starting to shift into a black shadow state as she got more nervous

"I see a suit of armour around the word" Tony's voice played through the suit

"Ultron!" Bruce realised

"In the flesh or no... not yet or this Christmas... but I'm ready, I'm on mission" Ultron explained

"What mission?"

"Piece in our time!" He answered as suits came flying into the bar. Chris grabbed her knife from her holster as she hid in a shadow state but kept the knife solid. A suit tried blasting at her, only for it to go straight through her body. She saw Ultron looking and watching her as she teleported onto the suits back and transformed into a solid state, jamming the knife into the back so it fell down. As she was transforming one came and knocked her down on the broken glass. She shook it off as she joined in still and kept fighting with the suits. She looked around and Cap destroyed the last suit. Christina made her way into the middle with the group where they all looked at Ultron
"That was dramatic" Ultron stated as he walked around
"I'm sorry, I know you mean well... I just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it is not allowed to... evolve" Ultron kept talking while Christina zoned out as she sensed the sceptre getting further and further away. Chris felt her head spin more and more but came back around as she saw Thor destroy the suit
"I had strings, but now I'm free" The suit sang

"That was creepy" Chris stated as she stumbled a little before she realised her hands had this black ash look still

"Is everyone okay?" Steve asked as Christina picked up her heels she had managed to loose during the fight

"I'll follow it" Thor said, suddenly leaving

"Chris, let's go change" Nat said and took Christina upstairs. Chris grabbed a jacket and went down to the lab with everyone else but Thor and Nat were.

"Why are you moving your shoulder so much?" Tony asked his sister

"Something pokey" Chris answered

"Let me see" Clint said, Chris took off her jacket and saw the small amount of blood on the back

"Who is bleeding on me!?" Chris asked

"Yourself" Clint answered as he sat her down

"Oh... that makes more sense" Christina nodded

"I told you she feels literally nothing when she is drunk" Hill laughed as she was pulling shards from her feet while Clint grabbed some tweezers and pulled out this glass carefully

"How could you not feel that?" Tony asked his sister as he saw it

"Natasha's fault" Chris said as Nat walked into the room

"What did I do now?" She asked

"How could you control yourself so suddenly?" Rhodey asked Chris as Clint patched her up still

"Instinct... I had training in my first lifetime and I guess I just used it to my advantage" Chris answered as she rested her head on her arm

"First life?" Rhodey questioned

"She's a confusingly long story" Tony said as he sorted out some things before Clint was done and walked away. Chris left her jacket on the chair as she stood up

"All our work is gone, Ultron cleared out using the internet as an escape pattern" Bruce said as he finally finish running his analysis on the situation

"Ultron" Steve said

"Hes been in files, severance... everything. He probably knows more about us than we know about eachother" Nat said as she looked over a few things

"Hes in your files, hes in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey asked as he still had a grip on his arm

"Like nuclear codes?" Maria asked

"Look, we need to make some calls... assuming we still can" Rhodey nodded while Christina walked around. She looked confused as she saw the shadow door again fron a few days ago.

"I need to go" Chris said before anyone could tell her otherwise. She slipped through the shadow based door and ended up in a cold town centre

"Christina?" Wanda spoke

"Wanda! Where are we?" Chris asked

"I am in Sokovia... you... you're here but also are not" Wanda stated

"I'll come pick you up or something, I need to take you both somewhere safe" Chris explained

"Why do we need to go with you?" Wanda asked

"Something has access to Tony's files... they can find you and I don't want them to do anything to you like what Hydra done to me" Chris explained as she walked with Wanda

"We don't want your protection, Christina" Pietro said as he sped up next to her

"You don't want it but you might need it. I don't want you ending up in some mess you can't escape" Chris explained

"We know what we are doing, go back to your own body and stay with the Avengers before you get captured again" Wanda said as she placed her slightly glowing red hand on Chris, causing her come back to her body in the tower.

"The worlds a big place, lets start making it smaller" Steve said

"Are you okay?" Thor asked Christina, finally getting to speak to her

"Yeah... I guess having all her memories is easier now for learning to control the powers" Chris explained as she walked with the god

"I am sorry I never realised it sooner or that Loki never told me that you were... in this position" Thor said

"What hiding away for just under 300 years or for Loki not telling you that he figured it out instantly when he saw just normal Christina?" She asked with a laugh

"Both, I want to offer you a trip to Asgard when this is done" Thor said

"Sure, it would be nice yet odd to see some familiar faces" Chris smiled as she stopped outside her room
"See you tomorrow, I need to sleep of the rest of the alcohol" Chris laughed as she walked inside after hugging him.

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now