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"Who's singing? I didn't pay anyone to perform" Tony asked Steve, the two were up with Thor on the balcony view and just started to hear the singing

"I believe that would be Christina" Steve said, not needing to look as he heard her singing away to Habits.

"My sister can't sing, so it won't be her" Tony scoffed before he looked over the edge with the two, seeing Chris on the glass table. She was with a microphone and singing her heart away with a tiny dance in her movement.

"She has a wonderful voice" Thor said as they watched her

"She is going to fall of and break something" Tony said as he realised the heels she was wearing while she twirled around

"Let her have some fun" Steve said as they saw Nat encouraging her, Bruce trying to stop the two while Clint sat there laughing and making a beat with the drum sticks he somehow acquired.

"I swear those 3 are an equally bad influence on eachother" Tony shook his head as he watched Chris dance around to the beat Clint kept making.

"They have known eachother for years, that's why" Hill laughed as she joined them

"Are they always like this?" Thor asked

"When we had small parties at SHIELD, yeah... Chris would always sing for them while they encouraged her and it always ends with... a crash?" Hill answered

"A crash?" Tony asked

"3...2...1" Hill counted down as the song came to an end

"Oh oh" Chris sung the last lyric before she fell backwards and laughed as she hit the floor

"Don't worry, she does it when is that drunk it doesn't hurt" Hill laughed

"Next song bitches!" Chris shouted down the mic as she got up

"Bad language!" Nat laughed as she looked at Steve with a smirk

"Arrows, hit it" Chris said, pointing at Clint as she hummed the tune to Cool for the Summer

"How can she sing so well while being so drunk?" Tony asked as the 4 made their way downstairs

"The confidence boost from the alcohol" Hill answered

"Wait, how did you know she could sing?" Tony finally realised what Steve said

"We went out before she went missing, we were at a bar and she got drunk and was singing away for 2 hours" Steve laughed as they reached the table

"Don't be scared cuz I'm your body type" Chris sung as she winked at Natasha

"Did she just-?"

"Yeah, yes she did" Rhodey answered Tony with a laugh

"I just wanna play with you too" Chris kept singing as she was messing around and pulling random women onto the table.

"What's going on?" Steve asked

"Chrissy can explain later" Rhodey answered, being one of the few who knew what she was deliberately doing

"Got a test for the cherry, I just need to take a bite" Chris kept singing away with a small laugh.

20 minutes passed before Tony managed to pry the microphone form Christina's hand.
"I need another drink, Tasha! Let's go!" Chris shouted with a laugh

"You don't" Tony argued

"Bitch, I haven't drank in 3 years. I think I fuckin' need it" Chris argued as Nat grabbed her and ran to the bar with her.

"Oh, you're down from the table now" Steve smiled

"Spangled Spandex! How ya doin'?"

"I'm good, what was with the amount of women in the table?" Steve asked

"Oh right... yeah... I like girls and boys so I like to mix it up like that because usually it is males in the table" Chris smiled as she took a drink from Nat and walked off to the table.

The group finally all settled down alone as the final people were taken out.

"That was fun" Chris laughed slightly as she was given water by her brother but Nat kept sneaking her a shot glass

"I think you're the one who had the most fun" Hill laughed

"Can't blame me for trying" Chris smirked
"Although, I am pretty sure I gave like 5 people my phone number" Chris realised

"5!?" Tony yelled slightly

"They were cute" Chris shrugged

"Now I remember why I never let you come to my parties" Tony smirked at her

"They loved me more than you, that's why" Chris giggled as she used her powers to change her dress into a jumpsuit, the holster under the dress appeared on the outside

"You had a knife on you this entire time!?" Tony asked her

"And a mini gun" Chris agreed as she rested inbetween Steve and Thor

"That is the part that shocked you?" Steve asked Tony with a laugh

"Ooo, gimmie" Chris said as she saw the flask Thor had

"That isn't wise in this mortal form" Thor warned her

"I really... don't give a shit" Chris laughed as she took some of it and poured it into an empty shot glass

"Fine you can have it but only if you take it slo...wly" Thor shook his head as he saw her down it like a standard shot

"Oh my gosh, Chrissy" Clint laughed

"I can literally make your drink disappear... that would make an amazing party trick that can be taken in 2 ways. One beings my magical witch-ness and second I could down it in less than 4 seconds if I wanted to" Chris giggled

"Someone needs her sleep" Nat smirked

"That was your fault" Chris scoffed as she saw the 3 cocktail glassed lined up infront of her next to the stack of shot glasses.

The group decided to mess around with Thors Hammer for a while
"Chrissy, your turn!" Tony smirked

"If I stand up, I will only make it onto the floor and also I'm not stupid enough to fall for it. I know exactly what it is like thanks to Eira" Chris laughed

"Its rigged" Tony said

"Bet your ass" Clint agreed

"Steve, he said a bad language word!" Hill teased

"Did you tell everyone about that!?" Steve asked Tony

"The handles imprinted, right? Like a security code?" Tony asked, ignoring Steve

"No, it isn't" Chris giggled

"Whoever's carrying Thors fingerprint is the literal translation" Tony continued

"Yes, well that's, uh, it's a very very interesting theory. I have a better omd, you're all not worthy" Thor smirked as he picked it up, getting grunts from everyone while Christina laughed, only for them all to be cut off by a high pitched noise

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now