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Tony sat down in the garage adjusting away at his newest suit so he could travel around with it

"Miss Stark has arrived" JARVIS announced

"Thanks buddy" Tony said as he kept adjusting the suit

"She is requesting to see you, and I quote "if you don't come upstairs, I will ignore your bed rest and come kick your metal arse" " JARVIS informed him, Tony smiled as he placed the screwdriver down on the desk before he got up and made his way upstairs. He knocked on the door softly before opening it up to see Coulson still inside with her

"Told you he would listen to that message" Christina smirked at Couslon

"Are you sure she needs to be under the protection of whatever you call yourselves?" Tony asked Coulson as he sat on the bed next to Chris

"Yes, she does. Because you are, well Starks, also because there is a huge federal chase for the driver... with our protection she won't need to release any statements or even be interviewed on the crash because we can find out enough" Couslon explained

"You all are so dramatic, it isn't my first car crash" Christina grumbled

"So you did crash it into that lamp post back when you were 19" Tony stated, looking down to see her

"I have no clue what you're talking about" Christina smiled with a lie as she tucked some of her black hair behind her ears.

"I'll see you both very soon" Coulson said as he left the room

"I have to go out to New York soon, we are re opening Stark Expo" Tony explained as he patted her shoulder, getting a groan as he hit one of the many bruises
"Sorry" He apologised

"Its fine" Christina answered
"Can I come with you?" She added

"No way, you got a week in bed before you can go visit" Tony told her

"Really? I am hidden in this house for a week?" Christina grumbled as she saw Roxy come in and curl up at the end of the bed

"Just until you are in some decent shape, I... I can't always protect you, I proved that when you got in this state" Tony said to her

"This wasn't your fault, we don't know who done it or why either... don't put the blame on you" Christina smiled as she placed her hand ontop of his

"How are you still so optimistic?" Tony asked with a tiny giggle

"Want the truth? I was terrified that I was about to die the same way mom and dad did... I can't leave you alone like that" Christina said as she sat up slightly

"I have to admit, I did put a tracker in your car... but it didn't work because of the damage... I will buy you a new car" Tony tried to reason as an excuse to ignore the first part

"You tracked my car?" Christina asked, acting like she never realised

"It was one time because when mom and dad passed, I was worried to lose you, okay! I'm guilty" Tony said as he threw his hands up in surrender

"Wait till these bones are healed, Anthony... just you wait" Christina giggled

"I love you, get some rest... want any food?"

"Not really, you can't cook still. How long till I get your permission to start walking around the house?" Christina asked him

"2 more days, promise" Tony said as he left the room

□Iron Man 2□

Christina sat down in the lounge with Roxy, the news playing as Tony was opening up the expo.

"You okay?" Coulson asked from the doorway

"Oh yeah, just watching Tony have all the fun... such a show off" Christina said as she saw him land on the platform inside the Expo.

"I got you a present" Coulson said as he came and sat down next to her and the huskey. He handed her two of the familiar silver cylinders she had. She laughed as she stood up and pulled the tiny pin, extended to two full sized bo staffs.

"Oh yes! I love these" Christina smiled as she twirled them around before finding the new button, she looked at it in a puzzled way before she pressed it and saw the electric charge
"I knew Fury listened to me!" Christina laughed

"Pretty sure he felt bad, but he said he will probably be around soon... just secrets and whatever else" Coulson explained as Christina sat back down

"I know, I know" Christina grumbled
"Been doing this same shit since 1993" Christina laughed

"I remember yours first day, Peggy Carter brought you down to our level and introduced you to me and Fury... although you instantly had slightly higher clearance then us" Coulson remembered

"I know but it was because I was always coming in and out of SHIELD HQ anyway because dad wanted me to be the one to join" Christina said as she flicked through the book

"That was you? The little brown haired teen?" Coulson asked

"Yeah, I was on strict orders not to speak to people back then... Peg wanted me to have some sort of safety" Christina laughed a little

"What are you reading?" He asked as he realised how engrossed she was with the book

"A notebook of my dads and Peggy's... it has a lot of things about their research" Christina explained ever so briefly

"Incoming call from Mr Stark" JARVIS suddenly spoke up

"Answer it" Christina said as she sat up, hiding the book and other SHIELD items

"Hey Chrissy, I won't be home till tomorrow afternoon at max" Tony spoke up

"What? Why? What did you do now?" Christina asked

"Remember when you joked about me being sent to court about 6 months ago?" Tony asked her, Chrissy shook her head ever so slightly

"I'm gonna come then, where and what time?" Christina asked

"No, you are on house rest still" Tony argued

"I am not skipping your damn court date Tony. I'm coming if you like it or not" Christina told him as she looked up the media schedule for the live of the case.

"I'll get Pepper to come bring you then" Tony sighed as he gave in

"See you tomorrow Tony, be safe" Christina smiled as she ended the call

"Looks like you finally get your freedom" Coulson laughed

"About time" Christina stated as she adjusted the sleeve on her broken arm so it would keep working

"I still can't believe Stark managed to get that working" Coulson said as he looked at it

"I designed it, I can't stand proper casts for my body so when I was with Peg and dad I designed a better way for much better material to work at a better and more efficient way for soldiers and for me" Christina explained as she looked at the black sleeve which did have a thumb hole so it could cover her hand as well.

"I'll leave you to sleep, have fun and call me or Nat when you get home tomorrow" Coulson said as he got up and Christina walked him out before she took Roxy and made her way to her bedroom.

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now