Chapter 12: The Truth

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Alex's POV

April 19, 2021 – Charlotte, North Carolina

I took a deep breath as I pulled up to the meeting spot just by the airport, before allowing myself to get out of the car. Glancing around, it was clear – I was the first one here.

Last night was a blast – I can't say that enough. Though I was awakened to a sickening feeling in seeing a text from Bill Elliott demanding a meeting with myself and Ryan just by the airport.

Basically, he was flying in and wanted to speak with us both – no exceptions. My heart worried at first, feeling as though the worst possible while I had one of the best highs of my life, except a second message thankfully cured those worries with assurance Chase was fine.

Now standing here, I felt a mixture of feelings. I wondered and was curious as to why we were having this meeting. What had happened? What caused Bill to become involved? Did he know about everything before? I also wondered as to what was about to happen, almost hopeful for the truth finally becoming known as this had seriously gone on long enough.

I'm only snapped from my thoughts in seeing the elder gentleman heading over my way, clearly having just landed not long ago. Oh to have the luxury of being able to go wherever you wanted whenever you wanted at the drop of a hat.

"Thank you for coming," he tells me, to which I just nod my head in return. I was about to say that I'd do anything for your son, but wondered if I was becoming too pushy. "I hate to do this the morning after a win – which congratulations, but we need to talk."

"It's fine; I totally understand," I tell him, which I did. I almost did spit out what I wanted to say. Truth be told, the hangover surprisingly wasn't as bad as I planned on after the drinks we consumed.

It wasn't long before another car pulled off, to which I recognized immediately. Any bit of happiness seemed drained as I watched Ryan join the three of us in a circle. It was because of his stupid ass that we were here today and stuck in this mess.

"I got a phone call from my son last night," Bill starts, obviously catching my attention. Chase had a good relationship with his parents so why would a simple phone call catch him off-guard? "He had gone to the bar for some drinks, and wanted me to pick me up. I obviously went and got him, but all three of us know that's not like him. So I asked about his reasons – and he wouldn't tell me. Instead, he told me you knew it all – both of us. So speak, please."

"Ask Alex as he's made this a mess," Ryan spits out immediately, causing my jaw drop. How was it my fault? All I did was speak the truth. I didn't go break his heart, cheat on him and sleep with another woman. Seriously, where does he get off throwing me under a bus?

"I won't back down from the fact that Chase deserved to know," I retort, which was the absolute truth.

Whether something happened or nothing at all, he deserved to hear about a conversation that had happened. He deserved to know his boyfriend was thinking of turning his back on him. If nothing happened at all, it would've been simple and dealt with. However, I knew I made the right decision considering what else Ryan had gone and done following those words spoken. We knew there was a kiss as both admitted that, but Isabelle said more and I tend to believe with that girl based on his behavior.

"Know what?" Bill questions, causing me to swallow the lump in my throat. Were we really going here right now?

Taking a deep breath, I knew I couldn't back out of the corner I was in, especially considering Ryan threw me under the bus head first. So I stuck to my guns and went with my gut, and said the truth. I told Bill about the conversation, even mentioning the deal that Ryan and Isabelle had together with Chase involved in case Bill wasn't aware. I explained that the pair met afterwards, and since those conversations, Chase and Ryan have been distant for each their own reasons.

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