Chapter 38: His House

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Alex's POV

Monday, November 8 – North Carolina

"So you swear that you haven't done anything like this before?" He questions as we head for the stairs.

The plans came together quickly in his office.

We both agreed heading over to my place was the better option, as it was closer. Besides. It'd keep us both in North Carolina for any commitments tomorrow, although the eyes were all focused on Kyle's championship.

I did the honorable, right thing in making dinner for us both. While it was easy to see that he was better cook between us, he enjoyed the meal we shared together, as well as playing outside with Finn and Roscoe for a bit.

Though with everything out of the way, we both knew why we were here – the conversation in the office. So why did I feel every nerve coming to me right now? Maybe it was the fact that this was really happening and I still couldn't believe it. Maybe it was the fact that he asked that question, again. What if everything was ruined in this moment?

"No, you're my first in the regards of another male," I tell him as we reach the staircase to head up to my bedsroom.

This had been so simple in the past with another woman, just lead her up, possibly kissing along the way, possibly teasing, and possibly carrying her. However, it was like I lost every bit of confidence in hearing that phrase repeat from him.

Deep breathes, Alex, don't screw this up.

"When I said these feelings were all new for me, I had never experienced them before or knew what they were like, and only uniquiely for you for some great reasons, I meant it," I add. I figured if I made him the main focus, then it'd erase any apprehension for us both. The compliments and flirting was always our grounding effect before.

"Damn boy, I look forward to teaching you everything..." He says as he begins to work his way up the stairs, each step allowing that sexy, tight ass booty to hug those tight jeans. Damn, I couldn't wait to get those off and run my hands along every single inch.

The thought of him naked, feeling my hands across his skin as he taught me and showed me the many mysteries of pleasure to answer every tingly feeling that I had....

He did not make it far up those stairs, just a couple steps, before I was on the same step as him. I pushed him against the wall, allowing our lips to clash together as they had before. But this time, it was different. It was more direct, forceful, passionate, every ounce of my being planted on those soft, delicious lips before me.

He was soft as a peach the whole time....

His tongue, by the way, it actually tasted better than those lips. Oh yes, once I had him where I wanted, I went in for the kill, allowing mine to trace his, enjoy that taste, before twirling with his tongue.

"Well maybe there's some things that I don't need to teach you," he replies back, a smirk forming as I pulled away – but not far, you could probably only fit a couple pieces of paper between us. However, those were the words that I wanted to hear. That's what I wanted to accomplish – to show him that passion, that reasoning for this, and the special effect that he had on me.

"Like I said, there's something special that you do to me, Clyde," I say back in return, not even realizing that I had used his middle name instead of Chase.

Oh shit. My first thought was back to our original conversation, and how he hated when I mentioned it because it reminded him of Ryan. This was supposed to be exact opposite – moving forward, teaching each other the passion that we had together.

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