Chapter 105: The Meeting

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Monday, February 28 – Hendrick Motorsports

Kyle walks into the conference, taking a deep breath as he takes a seat at the table.

His eyes immediately glance towards the door, curious as to whom would be the next to follow him through. He was still happy about the win – it'd be crime to think otherwise. He was still happy they were continuing the momentum of last season.

However, he wondered what lied at the other end of this meeting in knowing what had happened yesterday at Auto Club Speedway. He had heard the anger, knowing lots of frustration surrounded what happened – and only happened a good night sleep softened the blow. Maybe Chase had some company to make him feel better, right?

He lets out a sigh of relief as Cliff Daniels is the next to enter the conference room, taking a seat alongside him.

"Have you spoken to Chase yet?" Cliff wonders to which Kyle shakes his head no. He had expected to run into him in the hallways, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Have you spoken to Alan since last night?" Kyle asks, to which Cliff shakes his head no. he felt pleased with the conversation, though, seeing progress in the understanding from Alan about what happened. There was also emphasis from Alan that the anger wasn't all directed towards them, but at the situation as a whole. It was something Cliff relayed back to Kyle, feeling hopeful things would smooth over today. "I just hope things don't blow up today huge."

"I don't see that happening. They both have to understand the situation we were all in, and the fact that mistakes unfortunately happen. Tyler owned so that's progress right there."

The pair only look up when they watch the door open, with Rudy making his way in to take his usual seat at the far end left of the table. It seemed to follow the usual progress of everyone arriving at their sweet time, taking their seat, awaiting for the discussion to come.

The silence hung over the room until the door opened once again, this time with Alex entering the room as he took his usual seat. Kyle couldn't help but feel a bit of surprise in not seeing his sidekick accompany him, having hoped a night of comfort would soften the blow he would get today.

"Have you spoken to Chase at all?" Kyle then questions, catching the attention of the two crew chiefs in the room as Alex glances up from his phone.

"He's wasn't one bit happy last night with you," Alex states matter of factly, remembering the frustration that boiled inside of him. It carried into their night together, as Chase utilized his pair of studs to get out every bit of with a special kind of pleasure. Alex wasn't complaining though, as he enjoyed absolutely every minute with his peach. "I think he's chilled off since thinking about it and a replay, but you really hit the shit button with that move."

"I didn't know he was ther-" Kyle starts, utilizing the same excuse he had repeated over and over since it happened.

"There's these things called mirrors – do you know what they are? Everybody learns in driving school to check their blind spots before changing lanes but I see you failed at that, miserably might I add." Alex then glances down at the table, taking a deep breath. He wanted to say more, though bit his tongue in knowing it'd cause a scene if he did. Besides, Kyle knew more than others today and he didn't need that blown.

"Alex, really?" Cliff asks surprised, matching the shock that was written on Kyle's face since the words were spoken.

"Of course you'd say that and take his damn side though," Kyle says with a smirk, almost ready to continue and blow everything – but biting his tongue to stop himself from doing so. Why did these crew chiefs have to come early, again?

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