Chapter 131: A CAT Scan

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Chase taps his foot on the floor, taking a couple series of deep breathes. He glances towards the set of double doors, before looking back at the ground again. Another look at his phone - only two minutes had gone by since the last time he looked, 20 minutes since they had arrived together. It was a simple process - one he had he had kept repeating since they arrived.

Why was this taking so long? Why was he feeling beyond nervous? Why was there no updates? Why didn't he know as to what was going on by now?

"God damn it...." He lets out as he opens his text message to Ryan, having briefed him of the situation. He even told him where exactly they were right now. Why wasn't he feeling the worry? Why wasn't he there with him? Why wasn't there any text message of comfort or anything in response?

A series of deep breathes, he remembered the conversation he had with Alex at the house before they came. Everything was going to be alright, no matter what was said in response. He knew they could handle anything that came their way. They had just take it one step at a time. Besides, he may be worrying for no reason at all.

He hears the doors open, eyes immediately looking up to see who was coming through them. It was just one of the nurses, calling the next patient to come through. He lets out a sigh, eyes focused back on his phone, hoping for some sort of distraction at all.

He only finds his eyes rising from the location they are locked on when he watches the other set of doors open, followed by an individual walk through them and sit down beside him.

"Have you heard anyt-" Ryan starts immediately, knowing they didn't need to cover the pleasantries. 

"Why didn't you text me back?" Chase asks in response, holding up his phone to him. "Why didn't you call me? Why did you take so long getting her-"

"I was in a meeting. I read the message as soon as I got done the meeting and came here immediately." The pair lock eyes together, with Ryan seeing through every single bit of worry that Chase had felt since the first messages sent earlier that day. "I'm sorry. I should've been here sooner for you, for Alex." 

"We got here about 20 minutes ago. He went in immediately to see them. They said they were going to run a CAT scan, a couple other tes-"

"The reaction comparison test?" Chase nods his head, knowing that in the list of things mentioned. He had been barely paying attention, just going through it in a blur, just wanting to know the truth to everything going on. 

"They haven't come out and said anything since." Chase then glances back towards the doors, taking a series of deep breathes. "I am pretty sure that it is a concussion based on what he told me. He came to the agreement the more he thought about it, described how he was feeling - like last night." Chase takes his eyes back off the doors, resting them on Ryan was admittedly was much better than his phone as he had been doing the past 20 minutes. "I'm worried, though. You think they would've said something by now. What if-"

"Don't go there." Ryan then places his hand on Chase's lap, eyes remaining locked together. "These tests take time. Getting the results takes even more time, and you know that. Take a deep breath, relax. Chase, I know you're worried and scared for him, but damn it, it's going to be okay. We'll get through this, together, as a team." 

"Do you realize that's the same thing I told him before we came to calm his nerves?" Ryan could only smirk, wishing there was no one here so he could truly offer the comfort he wanted to.

"That's because we're more alike than we want to admit sometimes, and it's the truth. We've proven that time and time again. I was so jealous when you admitted feelings for him. I was angry, and upset when you ran to him with your problems. But seeing what the three of us are together? That's just pure magic because I know we can take on the whole world this way, Chase. It's going to be okay." A random chuckle escaped Chase as he instinctively looked back towards the door, as he had done several times. However, it didn't last longs, with the locked eyes returning back to Ryan.

"You're damn we can because we have. Like we've said, I wouldn't got through everything with you - both of you..." Chase takes a deep breath as he glances towards the floor, a series of other emotions flooding in with the slip of those words. "I love you both so much. That's why I care so much and why I can't help but worry, Ryan."

"I know...." Ryan wraps his arm around Chase's shoulders. "I'm worried, too, but I know how strong Alex is. This is just a simple hump in the road. We'll get through this." 

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