Chapter 100: Cup Practice

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Saturday, February 19 – Daytona International Speedway

Knowing they had one final practice ahead of the Daytona 500 tomorrow, Alex and Chase had headed to the garage area in making sure they were on-board with the game plan put together by the crew chiefs overnight. They had developed a couple other ideas to try to perhaps find a bit of speed they were missing compared to the Fords.

"I meant what I said," Alex comments afterwards, catching Chase's attention. "I do really want to go to that next step with you?"

"Oh really?" Chase questions as Alex simply nods his head back in response, smirk formed on his face as he tries to hide the nerves beneath. "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"I've never done anal with anyone, but I trust you.." Alex then reaches over and clutches Chase's hand with his. "I trust you more than anybody, and know that you'll take care of me. I also want to feel you inside of me and vise versa."

"I care about you a lot, and I worry about you. It's pleasure once you find the spot, but there's a lot of pain getting there sometimes. Are you sure you're ready for that?" Alex tried to hide the wince at the thought of that, though couldn't help but feel his nerves go up a notch.

"I told you that I wanted to explore all sides of your love – naughty at that, and I am ready for that." Chase slowly nods his head, knowing that went beyond what they were just talking about. It also referred to the other over the top actions he had endured previously with Kaitlyn – that seemed so far away, distance, and almost fear building after what happened. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Alex knew by his voice trailing off there was more on his mind than he was willing to share.

"I didn't say we had to dive right into that. I am ready because I trust you – but only when you're ready, too." Chase looks over, nodding his head accepting. Though couldn't help but feel slightly off by the mere mention still.

"I can assure you that I am ready for that next step with you because Alex, I can't wait to explore inside you and send you through new crazy desires." Alex couldn't help but smirk in response, desire filling his eyes, almost wishing they had more time before practice right now to explore.

"I look forward to staring at that ass all practice knowing it belongs to me."

The pair then separate with Alex going to meet up with his team, as Chase makes his way towards his stall.

"Chase?" Chase hears his name called, recognizing the voice as he stops in his tracks. He looks over at the source, stopping to allow Roger Penske to catch up with him.

"How are you today, Mr. Penske?" Chase offers, curious as to the reason for the conversation to begin with.

"I am doing well, thank you. I was hoping I could ask you something." Chase felt a couple nerves building, but nodded his head for the man to continue. "I know your contract expires with Hendrick at year-end and it would be wrong for me not to attempt to at least to put some offer on the table. But are you looking at your options?"

"Well I respect you, and appreciate you reaching out, I am pretty happy where I am right now." It didn't help that he had a great teammate to make things that much better, beyond having a solid team around him.

"Are you sure? I mean, this could be an opportunity for you and Ryan to be teammates." Chase chuckles, not afraid to admit that bargaining chip may have gotten Roger somewhere if this was a year prior.

"Trust me – I am fine where I am, but thank you." While it was a perfect turndown right now, he knew not to burn bridges. The man had his respect for his accomplishments in the sport and how he treated people, and could be a good resource if absolutely necessary down the road.

"I figured that was the case, but I also knew not taking a single chance would be wrong." Chase nods his head accepting, before continuing on his way to the stall, set for that day's practice session.

It didn't go much better than the day before, with the group still lacking the speed in relation to the Fords. Solidly, it broke back down to the bumper discussion that was referenced yesterday and with no solution in hand, they were ready to take what they had and battle Sunday.

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