Chapter 19: The Photoshoot

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Alex's POV

Tuesday, May 11 – NASCAR on NBC Production Shoot

"I saw you watching..."

Those words send a chill up my spine, almost sending my phone flying out of my hands, as I glance back with a smile in seeing him standing there so close.

That wasn't a lie, by the way. I was certainly watching as he was going through the different poses they required for their photoshoot. I was certainly allowing my eyes to trace over every feature. I began to let myself wonder, ponder, and question whether and if a future was there – and whether that was what I wanted as Sunday's words replayed over and over in my mind.

"Alex Bowman, are you going to admit to checking me out?" He questions, to which I finally allow my eyes to look into his. I never realized how much they sparkled as much as they are right now. I could certainly get used to sharing banter back and forth with him.

"Is that a problem?" I question back in response, almost regretting it immediately. What if I was going over the lien here? What if it was too soon for this step? "I told you how I felt and I stand by those words."

"I know. I remember hearing you say them. It was refreshing to hear that for the first time, to hear you admit how much you care about me." I thought I had done that through being there, holding him, offering comfort, each of the steps taken to get to this point. But of course, he'd be in pain and as he said, you can only open your heart so much before you stop doing so in fear of it being stomped on.

"I can repeat those words as many times as you need to hear them, if necessary. I can tell you other times where you've caught my attention, and I've just stared at you, scared you were watching but unable to look away. There's always been something special about you, Chase, and I don't want that to change." I also knew more than anything, the more time we spent together this close, the more teasing, the more I wanted to get to know that side of him just for myself.

"Then perhaps we should spend some more time together." Was that code for what I was thinking – or was I just jumping to conclusions because of how badly my body wanted it from all this teasing?

"I think I would enjoy that, actually," no matter what extent because let's face it, our friendship was great at its value. If more came from that? Hell yeah, I'll all for it and seeing where things go. The best scenario would perhaps allow all of the feelings to develop, to be explored, and enjoyed. I know it was risk, too, as there could be pain to come in doing so, but the risk was worth the potential reward.

"Perhaps one of those times could be me getting to drive your truck finally." Now I had to wonder if he was playing me to get his hands on my toys. I mean, you heard about people doing whatever it took for a racecar ride. What if this was another form of that?

"Are you trying to take advantage of me for my truck?" It actually sounded corny and flirty in asking that in response, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

"There could be very big advantages to this deal, Bowman, for us both.." He then brings his lips even closer to neck, sending a chill up my spine as I feel his breath in my ear. "You may be allowed into that closet of love..."

Excuse me, but where is the closest bathroom? Better yet, does that bathroom have a shower facility for ensuring you are nice and clean? Every part of my skin was clean, but damn I could use that cold shower right now.

Though before I could respond, I feel his lips lightly brush across my neck, before disappearing in the distance.

Breathe Alex, breathe. Holy crap, did that just happen? Breathe Alex...

My heart and head felt like it was spinning out of control, with so many demands and questions.

Did he just do what he think he did? What did that mean moving forward? Was this really happening? Why did my body cringe for more kisses? Where did he go? Did he really mean everything, or were be back at everything with potential regrets? Were those feelings actually true, for both of us? Was I sensing something I didn't understand because something was there?

Either way, where was that damn cold shower? Why was I stuck here for another couple hours? Everybody was going to see it all over me and know something was up – I could already feel it as the feelings just flew through my system. Was that part of his plan?

In that moment, I had totally forgotten about my phone in my hand, until it buzzed with his name lighting up on the screen.

I'll see you later, Alex. Your skin tastes amazing.

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