Chapter 55: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy

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Alex's POV

Thursday, December 2 – Nashville, Tennessee

Why did we have to dress up for the event? Why is it when anybody does a banquet, or something, you have to dress up? Who invented this wardrobe?

Shift the shirts, fix the pants again, and all I can do is shake my damn head. We were in Nashville. Why couldn't it be country casual? I don't do the music, but I would happily adorn a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt instead of this tuxedo. Sorry, but I'd prefer say a sweatshirt instead.

Though as much as I was hating this damn look tonight, I had to admit something – it was giving me a good excuse to stare at someone else.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him as soon as he entered the room. The black jacket, combined with the light blue tie just brought out those eyes that much more. The scuff was just perfect, highlighting every part of his jaw line that I loved. While the hat hid the hair, I had to damn well admit – it made him that much more appealing, like a man of mystery.

Fuck, why wasn't it midnight already so we could be back at the hotel room, both drunk from the partying and wrapped in the bed together?

I had allowed the lights and focus to be on him, because let's face it – that's what the fans preferred. He was the man that everybody wanted a piece of every second of the day. It was why he got himself a whole damn table earlier today.

Though knowing we caught a simple glimpse of time alone, I was able to take full advantage. It was why I made my way over, wrapping those arms around his waist as he had done to me so many times, just praying a single person wasn't watching – actually, let them watch. It could be fun to make them jealous.

"Cause I saddle up my horse, and I ride into the city," I sing as lowly as I could into his ear, not wanting anybody else to get a whisper of our plans for later tonight. "I make a lot of noise, cause the girls they are so pretty. Riding up and down Broadway on my old stud Leroy, and the girls say, 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy.'"

"For being someone who says he don't listen to country, you got those words mastered down to a key," he replies back with a laugh as he shifts himself around in my arms to face me. Ultimately, it was one of those leftovers from a previous relationship as she was absolutely addicted to the damn song. I became fine with it at the time, knowing that it led to one simple thing each night.

"What can I say? I am willing to do whatever it takes to get you where I want you," and let's face it – there was only one thing that I wanted right now, and knew he wanted it too by the look of lust in those eyes.

"Well I was also going to tell you that I hope I can ride your ass later on tonight." How am I going to get through tonight with that thought in my mind? Dinner isn't going to be tasty, because my ass will be thinking of a peach. After-party may as well just not happen because I won't be able to enjoy it, waiting for every single second to pass so I can focus on one thing only. Then I suppose I should go to the one after that, but can I take a get out of jail free card?

"I was hoping you'd say that as you'd look ridiculous without someone to ride." You can't be a cowboy without a hat, right? Wait – that wasn't quite a cowboy hat.

"I could think of someone else." I felt like I got stabbed in the heart because we both know who he was referencing with that comment. Deep breath, let's not think about that. We just got to the point of friendship and agreement so let's not ruin it.

"We both know that nobody could be your Bonnie except me." Bonnie and Clyde, ride or die. He looked like a gangster, so j might as well go with it.

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