Chapter 75: Back to Work

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Alex's POV

Monday, January 3 – Charlotte, North Carolina

While pure bliss has been a wonderful thing, I know I can't stay in that world forever. After all, in just seven days, we'll be in Oklahoma and busy racing.

It's Chili Bowl time, finally!

For the most part, the hard work was done. The cars were built, we'd each gone testing. Now it was just going over the final check list to ensure everything was sealed and ready, cleaning the trailer out, loading what we needed in the trailer, and oh yeah, making sure all three cars were in the trailer.

Checking those front end bolts once again, I hear a rumble up the driveway. I knew it couldn't be CJ as he said that he'd be by tomorrow. I knew it couldn't be Jake as he wasn't swinging by till later this week. That only left one option, and frankly, that was the best option if you ask me.

I wasn't about to worry myself because I knew what he'd do. He'd get out, make his way in, say hello to Finn before allowing him to run off with Fletcher, and then come over to see me. It wasn't like I needed to put a pause on what I was doing right now.

"Is there anyone here?" I hear a female voice, and immediately my blood runs cold. I knew that voice. I had heard that voice for a couple years around the track every few weeks when she'd come. I remembered questioning her motives sometimes, now certain of what her motives truly were.

What was she doing here right now? Why would she have any reason to stop by my shop?

"What do you want, Kaitlyn?" I question, as I turn around to face her. There was no way that I was giving her a chance to sneak up on me in knowing what she was capable of now. It was why my eyes focused on her hands, ensuring there was nothing in them, not reaching for anything. I didn't care if it seemed rude not to focus on her eyes because let's face it, she deserved it.

"I was wondering if I could buy an ABR Sweater off of you," she states, which I knew was probably a full blown lie. She knew that I was hanging around with Chase, she knew that we had something together by the time she stopped by his house and we kicked her out together. This was clearly the next step after getting away with what she did. Can I please slap her? That'd solve a lot of problems.

"Orders are only accepted onlin-"

"I don't do online shoppin-"

"What is your real reason for being here, Kaitlyn?" It was that moment where anger for what happened, for seeing the pain that he had dealt with at her hands began to shape my direction moving forward. I couldn't bear to just stand there longer. "I know what happened with Chas-"

"He lied. You were sitting in the court and saw what happened. I was found not guil-"

"By the court of law due to no proof and a false story that you were easily able to convince a jury of. That doesn't mean that he lied or you didn't do it. I know what happened, I know why you did it. so what are you doing here?" Frankly, I didn't have times for lies and games. I had work to do and get done in a week's time so why am I wasting it talking to her? I could just call the police and report her for trespassing.

"I was truthful with my reason, Alex. I became a fan of yours when you stood up against Den-"

"I don't believe you, nor do I want someone of your nature wearing my apparel. In fact, I am going to ask you to please leave the property." The laughter on her face answered any questions that you may have. It wasn't that nice, fun laughter. No, it reminded me of a wicked witch as she knew the game that she was playing.

"I hope you've had fun babysitting him, Alex. It was a real treat watching him squirm." And now the real reason for her motives are being realized.

"Just make sure that you stay away from him." I almost dared her to come within the distance, just for a mere couple seconds so he could enforce the restraining order and get her arrested. That'd be poetic justice.

"Oh I will, but we both know that I am the only person that he thinks about in his dreams. After all, I was the best damn thing in the bedsroom for him, way better than both you and Ryan."

I was ready to say something, spoil the stories of what has happened in the past week, month for that matter as Chase and I had chemistry just by ourselves. Instead, I just let her walk off and leave the property.

Truth be told, those were our secrets and we all know that what has happened is 100 times better than what she was able to do with him in the span of their time together. I can safely say myself it's been better than ever imaginable.

I wanted to just ignore what had occurred. I wanted to pretend that I never saw her, spoke to her, or allowed her to twist a thought. But fuck, she's all I can think about as I try to focus on the rest of the things to do today. It was not fair that she was able to roam around town freely, seeing who she wanted and whenever. It was not fair that he had to deal with the emotions of what happened – and she just got to laugh it up like nothing.

I can't change what happened, but I can promise you this – she isn't going to be able to, or get away with doing it again. I'll make sure that she pays, even if it means knocking her out myself. 

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