Chapter 43: A Visit to Georgia

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Alex's POV

Monday, November 15 – Dawsonville, Georgia

Maybe I should've warned him that I was making the drive up.

Maybe I should've texted him to see if it was okay.

Maybe I should've asked, or gave him some sort of the heads-up.

Was I really doing this, again?

Pulling up to the offices, though, I knew there was no turning back. It wasn't like I could make the drive all this way and then decide to not do anything, and drive all the way home. I'd be kicking myself in the ass and that's too long of a drive to that.

Climbing out of the truck, I smile in rubbing Finn's head. I allowed my buddy to come for the ride, welcoming the company. Sure, the music and the drive was nice for thinking and everything, but it got boring after all. It's why with my buddy, it felt a lot better.

Besides, he'd probably enjoy some additional playtime with Fletcher once I found him.

I knew he was there, I saw his tahoe out front. Besides, I also remembered him mentioning that he needed to check in with the store front as there was some business to take care of. Some days we both wish they could take care of themselves without any of our influence, but you know how that'd probably go..

Making my way inside, it wasn't that big of a place so you always quickly caught the attention of those inside. They were usually expecting deliveries, or someone that they knew well enough. Anybody else and it'd be quick questions, turn on your heels.

Cindy smiled as soon as she seen me, walking over for a hug – which still felt weird, by the way. I don't know if I'd get used to his mom giving me hugs in all this time we were hanging out. Sure, I've experienced it from girlfriend's parents. But from a boyfriend's parents? Still something to get used to, I suppose.

Maybe it was the fact that I was still getting used to him being my boyfriend – if that's what it's called.

Speaking of him, I never did catch his attention as I watched him look over designs and paperwork with Lisa. I had to hand it to Lisa. The fact that she could keep all this inventory organized, as well as orders and making sure they got out in a timely matter was something. Sure, I knew the challenges of it myself from my store, but it wasn't like super popular with a whole bunch of stuff all at once – well, except for the hack shirt. That sent things off the rails.

"So I have your approval on all of these to go up on the website immediately for order and pre-order?" Lisa double checks with him, to which he nods his head. It seemed pretty simple as he had separated everything into two piles.

"When are these diecast cars expected to come in?" He questions, having taken a glance through I guess her inventory or order sheets. This is normally what happens. The drivers hire capable hands, but begin to get worried when things aren't happening timely, or they're hearing complaints from the fans.

"Supposed to any day now is what Lionel tells us. As soon as they get in, I plan to get that stack of orders shipped out, as well as organize what you need to sign." Oh the joy of signing autographs – every driver's favorite reason for why they get hand cramps. I have to remind him to share when that happens so I can give him a massage.

"Hopefully soon as it seems ridiculous that 2020 championship stuff isn't done yet..." He places the stack back on the table, finally allowing his eyes to cast a glance my way as a smile forms on his face. That smile, by the way, answered all the questions that I asked before entering. This was certainly worth it, actually.

I allow him to finish up, before following him through the doors to the adjoining shop. Finn was happy as he was reunited with his bestie, and I was happy because I had company. It was also neat taking a walk through here and seeing everything, considering he'd spent a whole week at my shop.

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