Chapter 44: "Move in with me, please."

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Ryan's POV

Tuesday, November 16 – North Carolina

I could get used to this view every single morning. I could get used to what happened last night happening on a regular basis. I was actually surprised that it went where it did, but just like the times before, one thing led to another and next thing she was staying over for the night.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" I ask her to which she nods her head back in response. Clearly she remembered the hundreds of times that I said it last night in-between the kisses.

"And do you realize how much I love you?" She questions back in return, to which I nodded my head. That didn't need to be said as she showed it with everything that she continued to do for me.

"There's not a lot of girls that would do what you've done, so you've showed it in more ways than I can count. Most girls would hear my conflicted feelings, and run for cover not wanting to look back. Most girls would not be patient where I sorted everything out. Most girls would want nothing to do with me as I thought about feelings for someone else, much less my best friend. Actually, I can't think of anyone that would sit by, listening to me grouch, try to be comforting, and then look past it when I was ready to show them their own feelings for that moment."

It was weird with us, to be honest.

There'd be days where my heart would be focused on Chase, upset with the mistake that I made and how I threw everything away. I would be mad and upset that he would not let it go, in favor of remembering and knowing what we had together. I would be craving for a reunion, or just one more kiss with him beyond anything. I would tell Isabelle that – every bit of those feelings, every frustration in his words that he said when I tried to push the issue.

I know, I should be the better friend and realize my mistake and now shove it down his throat every time I saw him. But damn it – those feelings are just so strong that I cannot ignore it. My only savor for those? Isabelle. She kept me sane, stable, and reminded me that somehow everything was going to work out.

That's where the other days come in and my heart becomes focused on her, and her alone. I think about the first glances, and how my heart skipped a beat as I allowed my eyes to trace every single inch of her. I think about how we connected in those initial conversations, able to share everything that we wanted with each other. I think about that first kiss, and how it took me high above the clouds where I'd never been before. There was also the first night, and the nights that have followed, and there was no way you could ever ignore those.

Let's just say that when we both get in the zone, there's no escaping the hotness that takes over the entire room.

Frankly, thinking it all over, there was only one thing left to say.

"Move in with me, please," I finally blurt out, causing a surprised glance on her face in return. I didn't blame her one bit as that totally came out of left field, total surprise. However, it was literally the only thing missing from what we had together. I was actually surprised it hadn't happened a lot sooner.

"Ryan, are you serious?" She questions, to which I nod my head back in response. Even if I wasn't at first and it just came out of nowhere, taking it back now would be probably the rudest thing ever.

"Considering all the time that we spend together, like five days at least a week, it only makes sense. Besides, it'd have you closer to your work commitments." After all, she was one of the hottest Hooters girls and you knew they'd want her to work every single photoshoot they were doing to feature her. They always say traveling a lot can be hard on someone, so here's your solution with a lot of benefits.

"You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, officially, and yet you are asking me to move in with you." Was that really necessary? I thought we were doing everything that a couple did – hanging out, kissing, talking about every emotion on the table, having sex together, and oh yeah, spending every waking moment. I thought that was just immediate with the fact she joined me at the wedding without question.

"Would you prefer that I ask you that first, as I can do them both at the same tim-"

"And what about Chase? You keep saying that you have feelings for him. You keep saying that you want to restart things there, if he gives you a chance."

I couldn't deny her. I knew that those feelings for him would probably creep right back in – give it a day or two, probably less actually. That was all part of letting go, though.

Let's face it – he has moved on. Him and Alex are practically doing everything together. He also has cut me off at every chance that I bring up a possibility of a relationship. It was time for me to let go, realize that I had screwed up beyond repair, and be happy.

"You haven't given me an answ-" She starts, and I know I have to say something.

"I won't lie to you as he's still part of my thoughts, and I don't think I could ever just forget what we had," I tell her, which was full honesty. How do you throw away that passion so easily? "However, I also know that I wouldn't been able to get to where I am without you. I also know that I have these huge feelings for you that won't disappear no matter how much I think about him. I also miss anytime that we're not together. Sure, our relationship is going to need work and we're not at that perfect relationship stage. All I'm asking is for you to move in, allow us to spend more time together and see where this goes."

"I actually am spending more time at your house than my own...." Now she's beginning to realize what I am saying. I just need to put the icing on this cake.

"It would give you more money because you're not worried about house payments. It would give you more money because you don't have to pay for gas to go back and forth. You would also get more time to stare at me-"

"I'd rather do more than just stare at you." Now that's what I like to hear!

"And what's that?" I can't help but be distracted by her proposition. It just sounds too damn good at this point.

"It should be pretty obvious." I watch as she climbs over on top of me, sitting up as she carefully places her crotch right over my manhood. Seeing those tender breasts right before me, there was no way that this conversation was finishing as there was only one thought in my mind.

"I don't have a problem with this view." I then bring her down to my level, licking around one of her nipples ever so gently. "Just think, we could do this more often."

"I think we have a deal, Mr. Blaney." She then brings her lips to meet mine, fully taking them with her and yes, this conversation wasn't going anywhere else as we both only had one thing on our minds as her hips begin rocking against mine. "You better make it worth it, though."

"We don't have a problem with that." 

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