CH22 - In The Rain Of Nightmares - Part3

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Once more I got back up with one hand holding onto my side while my breath became a little heavier by the exhaustion that took over my injured body.

"I'm gonna get you. . . you know that. . ." I grunted out through my teeth as I stood my ground and looked deeply into Mitari's soul.

"Why aren't you trying to run?" The kid asked me, and I can see his eyes flicker with fear and confusion. "If you try to save your friends, you'll die." He pointed out the obvious which I did not ask for, because I am aware of the consequences. And I would rather accept those terms then let my friends behind.

"You can't bury honour. . ." I told him, now filled with determination while the enemy cowered back.

"Hey, it's okay man." I hear Miyamoto tell me, making me snap my stare towards his and the other's direction. "We know there's no chance to save us. Just go, one of us should live on, right?" At that I let a small smile curl up on my face because there guys are such big-hearted people. People that I don't want gone from this world.

"We've been best friends since our first street brawl." I reminded Miyamoto with one eye closed. "Whether it's living or dying, we're doing it together." That's the very first promise and the main rule we made and I have no intention of breaking it.

"You can't mean that!" The kid in raincoat snapped at me, turning my head back at him. "You're human like us all! No one would ever make that kind of sacrifice." That got me thinking a little. So my assumptions about this guy from earlier were somewhat true. But right now, I ignored the sympathy and just put my focus on saving my buddies. I took a step forward with caution, approaching the monster and that kid whose eyes just widened in fear. I never broke eye contact with him and just kept on moving forwar-.

"NOOOO!!!!!" Mitari's scream echoed before his monster came to pummel me to the ground again. I landed on my back and I heard and felt a few cracks here and there. Then the ringing came that filled my entire ear. I couldn't hear nothing. Only the muffled voices while the rain just kept on falling on me. Ignoring the agony I just climbed back up again. I stumbled a little when I was finally back onto my feet, but thankfully I regained my balance. "Why are you still trying? You're powerless! You can't win!" The kid demanded before reminding me of my little issue.

However, I didn't care about those.

"They're my friends." Was all I said as a I stretched a smile onto my face, courageously. I see Mitari look at me with total disbelief. Like I just said something that sounds impossible. But that expression soon fell off of him.

"Enough with your puffed up ideals! That's not how the world is really like." He growled at me. "So, your friends keeps you going, huh?" He then lifted up a hand and snapped his fingers. To my horror, all three of my buddies were being consumed by the water monster and within a few seconds they were inside, trapped in the water and drowning.

"NO!" I cried out as watched my friends struggle to keep their breath in.

"Your faith is strong Kuwabara, but they're going to drown and you can't get them out!" Seaman said while laughing. Without missing a beat, I charged at the monster and tried to knock it out or cough up the boys. I swing my fist at it, but each time he would just back away fast, move and wave it's body back and forth like water. Just as I was about to hit him again, something grabbed me making me let out a gasp.

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