Epilogue: I

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"Hey, sweetheart?" I heard a soft whisper. "Sweetheart?"

I fluttered my eyes open, seeing Leo's blue eyes looking down at me. I groaned, closing my eyes again, tugging the comforter over my head.

He chuckled. "Good morning."

"What time is it?" I mumbled, tightly holding onto the comforter so he couldn't pull it away.

"Time for us to get up. C'mon." Leo effortlessly pulled the comforter away from my face and kissed my cheek. I playfully pushed him away. "Ok, ok I'm getting up."

Leo got out of bed. "I'm gonna go start the shower."

I nodded sleepily. I sat up, stretching my arms out and rubbing my eyes. My phone began to vibrate and I slowly picked it up off the dresser.

Christian's name flashed onto the screen.

"Christian?" I whispered to myself in subtle confusion.

I hadn't heard from him in a while.

I placed my phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Nadia, how are you?" His voice was dull.

"I'm good. A-are you alright?" I asked.

He chuckled softly. "I wish I was."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Christian was silent for a while.

"Yeah." He suddenly sobbed.

Christian sniffled, deeply exhaling. "Danny's dead."

My heart sunk.

I hadn't heard of Danny in months. "Danny's dead?" I whimpered. "When? How did he-"

"A few days ago. He came back to California and he was already dead when I found him." He cried. "He was trying to turn himself in and the police arrested him, and I-I don't know, Nadia I don't know what happened, but someone was after him and h-he was shot t-twice in the chest."

Hearing Christian's sobs brought tears to my eyes.

I wiped away the few tears that fell. I knew my last moments with Danny weren't the best, I mean c'mon, the last thing I did was stab him in the chest.

I was afraid of him and I hated what he did to me physically and emotionally, but he didn't deserve to die.

"I know that's a lot to take in, but um, you were one of the last people Danny called before he died. So, I was wondering if it'll maybe relieve Danny, would you attend his funeral?" Christian asked sorrowfully.

I sighed shakily, nodding my head quickly. "Yeah, yeah of course. I'll go." My voice trembled from trying not to cry anymore. I cleared my throat. "I'll go."

"Really?" Christian breathed out, seeming surprised. "Nadia that really means a lot."

I could hear Leo coming back.

"Um Christian, can I call you later? I don't mean to sound insensitive," I chuckled. "But, I'm kinda busy right now." I lied.

"Yeah no, its fine. Call me when you can."

"Alright thank you. And, Christian, I'm sorry...about Danny."

Christian sadly chuckled. "I know."

Leo walked back into the bedroom. "Ready?" He asked.

I turned around and he quickly noticed my glistening tear marks and slightly red eyes. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

I sighed, lightly smiling as I couldn't believe what I was going to say.

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