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"Good to be back on campus huh?"

Amelia asked me as we walked to our dorms. I smiled, briefly looking up at her. "Yeah, I missed being with y'all basically 24/7." She laughed, pulling me into a hug. "Yeah I missed you too Nadia."

She sighed. "We have one more year until we graduate, are you excited?" I playfully scoffed. "Not really. I actually love being here. I don't wanna go out into the real world you know?" Amelia chuckled. "Yeah that makes two of us..." She trailed off. "But no worries, we'll be okay." She reassured me. I lightly smiled at her. Amelia was always so positive. She was the most supportive friend I'd ever had, and I was extremely grateful for it.

Amelia's phone chimed and she quickly took her phone out of her pocket. "It's Maia, she needs some help getting her stuff out her car." I sighed. "Does she need my help too?" Amelia chuckled, knowing I didn't want to walk back to the parking lot. "Nah, I got it. I'll be back." "Okay, I'll leave the front door cracked so you guys can just come in." I called out as she walked away. As I continued walking to our dorm, all I could think of was seeing Danny.

This summer was weird with him. Strangely, he wasn't as present as I thought he would be, especially in August. He would tell me he's just 'going through a lot', and it sucked because he would never tell me what was really going on.

He did make sure to always tell me that he loved me. I guess that made things somewhat better, but I still worried about him.

I finally got to our dorm and I slowly opened the door. It was quiet and I glanced around at the blank walls, excited to redecorate.

I went back outside, finding a rock nearby to keep the door ajar for Amelia and Maia. I walked back inside, rushing over to my room. I put my earphones in and listened to music as I unpacked my stuff.

There was a loud knock at my door and I quickly turned around. It was Kyle, Danny's roommate. I took my earphones out, somewhat surprised to see him without Danny.

"Oh, hey." I smiled, placing my bags down. "Hey Nadia." He faintly smiled at me. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. "Yeah, of course. What's up?" I hesitantly asked. Kyle extended his arm out towards me with a note in his hand.

"Um, Danny wanted me to give you this."

I slowly took the note from his hand. "You don't have to read it now, I can go-," I quickly looked up at him.

"Can you stay?" I asked.

Kyle looked at me apologetically and I had a feeling whatever was on the note wasn't good news. "Please?" My voice cracked. He sighed, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. "Okay." He finally answered. I looked down at Danny's note beginning to read it.

Dear Nadia,

I hope you've had a great summer, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you most of the time. I just wanted you to know, I'm not coming back and you're probably never gonna see me again...

"What?" I chuckled nervously. I felt my stomach drop.

Look, I just want you to continue your life without me. I want you to graduate without me, and I promise you'll be okay. As sad as I am, I had to let you go...

"No, no, no." I whispered, not wanting to read the rest of the note. "Kyle what is this? Is-is this a joke?" I frantically asked. Kyle slowly shook his head. "No, Danny's gone Nadia."

"Gone? Gone where?"

I still couldn't comprehend what was happening. Kyle looked at me sadly, curling his lips back and exhaled deeply. "I really hate to be the one telling you this but he's out of the country." I took a step back, leaning onto my bare mattress.

Betrayal Down Memory LaneWhere stories live. Discover now