Ulterior Motives (20): Part 1

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Hi guys! This was another one of my fav chapters to write lol so just like chapter 16 it's gonna be split into two parts since it was pretty long. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy reading ! :)

Nadia's phone alarm rang loudly, interrupting her sleep. She sighed exasperatedly, from not getting enough sleep. Nadia reached out for her phone blindly until her fingers pressed upon the stop button. She looked up at the ceiling, then at Danny who laid next to her. He kept his eyes closed.

"I know you're awake." Nadia spoke in a hushed tone, faintly smiling at him as she sat up. He lightly chuckled, fluttering his eyes open. His pupils quickly constricted as the sunlight that peered through the curtain openings touched his face. Nadia gazed into his eyes, admiring how the sun made them prominently different. He caught her stare.

"What?" He asked amusingly.

"I'm gonna miss that."

"Miss what?"

Nadia smiled to herself, looking away from him. "Your eyes."

He smiled at her compliment. "Well, you have pictures." Nadia lightly shook her head. "It's not the same." Danny sat up now. "If you think you'll miss me that much you could always stay." Nadia chuckled, turning back to look at him again. "Nice try, you and your eyes aren't that great." Danny laughed. "I'll miss you too Nadia." He wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer to him.

"After I get ready, can you help me pack? My flight's at 12:27." "In the morning?" He asked. Nadia lightly scoffed. "No silly, in the afternoon. Why do you think I'm up so early?" Danny sighed, breaking away from her.

"So much for that surprise..." He trailed off.

"What?" Danny could see the hint of sadness in Nadia's eyes. He quickly smiled to reassure her. "I'm kidding. I'll find a way to make it happen. I honestly thought you were leaving at night." "No, sorry, it's the afternoon. You can blame Amelia for scheduling my flights." Nadia joked. Danny chuckled. "In that case, you should get ready. I, will be heading out." He stood up, beginning to get ready himself.

"Where are you going?" Nadia asked.

He smirked at her. "I'm gonna go get your surprise."


As Danny drove out of the hotel parking lot, his phone began to ring. He quickly took his hand off the steering wheel, picking it up from the cup holder it was placed in. He chuckled, seeing Maia's name. He put her on speaker.

"Maia, how are you? Whatever you have to say, better make it quick. You know I hate talking on the phone while driving." He teased.

She scoffed. "I'm not done with you Danny-,"

"Oh, but Maia, I'm so done with you." He interrupted her.

She sighed, taking a while to respond. "Just tell me what you meant on the phone the other day." She spoke sternly. A smile crept onto Danny's lips. "You know I can't tell you that. It wouldn't be exciting anymore."

"We had a deal." He could hear Maia's assertiveness slip.

"Yeah, we had a deal Maia. Do you hear the past tense in that sentence? Your deal is done. It means nothing to me anymore. Leo's out of the picture, and that's exactly what you wanted." Danny chuckled. "But, if you thought I would end up like him, oh Maia, darling, you should have thought your plan over. You know? You should have made it less, I don't know, transparent?"

"Danny, you do not get to cross me without any consequences. I'm warning you now. Whatever you have in mind, don't do it. If you ruin my plan, so help me god, I will end your life."

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