Road to Freedom (25)

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WARNING: this chapter contains mild physical violence

Leo and Amelia were out of Las Vegas, heading god knows where to California.

They had just reached the city of Bakersfield.

"How are we gonna do this Leo?" Amelia asked with a hint of hopelessness. "We can't search every place in California. You know that."

Leo sighed. "Where does Danny live?" He asked. Amelia glanced at him. "Leo, I'm sure we both know he didn't take her to his house. That would be too obvious."

Leo's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Well, do you have any other options?" He raised his voice in frustration. "I don't see you-,"

Amelia's phone began to ring loudly.

She looked at the unknown number, seeing it was from California.

She accepted the call, hesitantly putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Is this Amelia?" The voice asked.

Amelia nodded slowly. "Yes, and you are?" She trailed off.

"Christian. Danny's brother."

Amelia's eyes widened and she sat up in her seat. "Oh my god, do you know where Nadia is?" She asked excitedly.

Leo quickly looked away from the road. "Who is that?" He asked.

Amelia mouthed the word "wait" and anticipated Christian's reply.

"I know you must be worried sick. I found her a while ago. She's in terrible shape. I don't know what's wrong with Danny, but he seems disconnected. I don't know why he would hurt someone he loves."

"He's-he's been hurting her?" Amelia's voice broke.

"She had a lot of bruises when I found her."

Amelia felt a sinking feeling in her chest as her heart broke. "Oh my god." She mumbled to herself.

"I'm so sorry Amelia. It must be hard to hear something like that about your friend." Christian paused, faintly sighing. "Nadia told me to call you to let you know where she is. I can't tell you where she is exactly, but I can tell you where you need to go."

Amelia put Christian on speaker phone.

"Are you in California?" He asked.

"Yes." Amelia nodded.

"Great. So first things first. I need you to set your GPS and head towards a little place called Carnelian Bay."

Christian proceeded to tell Amelia and Leo his plan to help Nadia escape.

They had about six hours until they arrived in Carnelian Bay from Bakersfield to quickly park near the lakefront and pick Nadia up from the side of the road.

The area surrounding Christian's vacation cabin was heavily wooded with many trees. Leo and Amelia would only put themselves in danger if they went all the way to the cabin.

Amelia endlessly thanked Christian for his help and followed the plan just as they were told.


Nadia began to pace around the cabin after sunset, waiting for Danny to come back.

To her luck, he had forgotten to lock the door to her room today. Although, she knew better than to run off on her own.

She quietly familiarized herself with the kitchen, glancing at the wooden knife block that sat on the counter. She walked over to it, slowly taking each knife out, carefully deciding on which one to use on Danny.

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