The Departure (8)

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We made it to the airport with time to spare. 9:47pm. Amelia drove up to the passenger drop off area. She stopped and turned the engine off. We sat in silence for a while.

"Well, this is it." Amelia smiled.

"Your lovely trip begins now." Maia said.

We got out of the car, noticing we couldn't stay for long. Amelia opened the trunk and I got my things out. I adjusted my cross-body purse to keep my balance as I strapped my backpack over my shoulders, rolling my suitcase to the curb. 

Amelia and Maia hugged me. "Have a safe flight Nadia." Amelia murmured as we were still huddled together. "Thanks." We broke the hug and held hands.

"Tell us everything that happens between you and Danny." Maia winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, but nothing's going to happen."

"If by any chance, something goes wrong, we'll make sure Leo doesn't find out. Or just call me." Amelia said softly. Maia scrunched up her face.

"Why should she just call you?"

Amelia let go of our hands. "Because, I'm obviously the better friend."

She leaned against her car. Maia scoffed. "Just keep us both up to date, all right?"

"And remember," Amelia began. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

I faintly laughed. "You already know." They slowly broke away from me and walked back to the car. I waved goodbye as they drove off. 

I finally checked in my luggage, leaving my purse and backpack as my carry-on items. I entered the airport and scanned the board of departures.

Flight UA 1765 United Airlines (LAS) Las Vegas 10:32pm: On Time.

Once I found my flight information, I made my way to the security checkpoint. I got lucky TSA wasn't such a drag. I pulled my boarding pass out, looking at the gate number. E10. As I made my way to the gate, I decided it was a good time to call Leo.

"Hey sweetheart."

I smiled. "Hey."

"You're already at the airport?" He asked. "Yeah, I've gone through security, and I'm on my way to my gate." 

He chuckled. "That was quick. It's weird to think you'll be in a different state, so far away." 

I frowned. "I know, I know. We've never been this far apart. So, I'm hoping these two weeks go by fast."

I reached my gate and sat down in the waiting area, continuing to talk to Leo. 

"Same here, I just wanted to hear your voice. It's comforting." 

The lady who directed the gate spoke on the intercom and began boarding first class, passengers with children, and anyone with disabilities. Leo heard her voice through the phone. "Looks like you're boarding soon." His voice was calm. 

"Yeah," I said softly. 

"Are you excited?" He asked. 

I chuckled. "I don't know, I've been to Vegas so many times, ever since I was five." My eyes shifted up in remembrance. "I remember the first time I was so excited to be in Vegas. I was 15. I took so many pictures during that trip."

"Well you should be just as excited as you were then."

I smiled. "Really? Why is that?" He chuckled.

"Because, you're finally old enough to truly enjoy Vegas."

I laughed. "Oh, my god shut up. I'm not going to casinos and nightclubs and all that. I'm only going for a workshop remember?" My voice lilted. "Hey," He laughed. "All I'm saying is have a little fun, it's Vegas for crying out loud." I smiled and shifted in my seat, lightly biting my lip. "Ok." I whispered. "For every fun little thing I'll somehow manage to do," I quickly chuckled. "I'll think of you." I spoke softly.

"Now boarding groups 1 through 3."

I sighed. "That's me." I stood up and made my way to the desk to get my boarding pass checked. "I really don't want to hang up." Leo pouted. 

I smiled. "I wish I could talk to you forever, but sadly I have to go." 

He sighed. "Call me when you arrive if you aren't too tired." 

"Like I'd be too tired to talk to you." I teased. "I'll make sure to call right when the plane lands."

"Promise?" He asked.

"I promise." I lowered my voice in the line as I got closer to the ticketing desk.

"If only a promise kiss was possible right now." Leo mumbled.

I sighed. "If only."

After the brief exchange of my boarding pass, I got it back and walked into the jet-way. "Ok, I really have to go now." I whispered through the phone. 

"Ok, ok I love you sweetheart." Leo hurriedly whispered back. I lightly laughed, whispered "I love you too" and hung up. Once I got into the plane and found my seat I slightly smiled.

Amelia got me a window seat. Bless her soul, I loved window seats.

I sat down, putting my purse in my backpack, shoving it under the seat in front of mine. I took my phone out of my pocket and stared at it for a while. 

I wasn't in the mood to hear Danny's voice, so I messaged him.

I'm on my way.

As usual, I prayed before take-off. The person who had the seat next to me politely smiled as I opened my eyes.

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