Coffee Meet Up with Maia and Amelia (3)

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I rushed into Starbucks swiftly looking left to right in search for Maia and Amelia.

"Over here 'Ms. I'm Late'!" Maia shouted.

I broke out into nervous laughter, feeling slightly embarrassed as I walked towards their table. "Good morning girls." I innocently smiled.

Maia and Amelia looked at each other before playfully rolling their eyes. "And what took you so long hmm?" Amelia asked as I sat down. "Can't wait to hear this one." Maia mumbled playfully before sliding my drink towards me.

"Aw you guys paid for my drink too?"

Maia glanced at Amelia. "Thank Amelia, for the lovely favor."

"Well, thank you Amelia." I brightly smiled.

"No problem." She smiled.

Maia cleared her throat loudly. "So, that excuse Nadia?" 

Amelia giggled. 

I sheepishly smiled. "Right, right, I'll tell you it's a good excuse." I playfully teased. 

"Oh, I hope so." Maia smirked. 

"So, truth is, I woke up late," I began.

Maia already looked at Amelia with that 'I told you so' look. "But don't you watch the sunrise with Leo like every morning?" Amelia asked. 

"Well not every morning, but I did this time. I just went back to sleep afterwards."

I looked down at my coffee cup as I thought about what happened. Amelia must have caught the sadness in my eyes. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" 

I looked up at both of them.

"Danny called me."

Amelia and Maia looked at me wide eyed. "Danny? Why the hell would he call you now?" Amelia asked in slight disgust. I shrugged. "I don't know..." I trailed off. "But he said he misses me and wants to see me again." I spoke softly.

"Does he not recall what happened three years ago?" Amelia crossed her arms over her chest. 

I rolled my eyes. "He said that was all in the past, and he's not that person anymore." I used air quotes.

"Maybe he's telling the truth."

Maia finally put her input in.

Amelia and I slowly looked at her in shock. "What?" Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Maia, are you serious right now?" In her defense, she shrugged. "Hey, maybe it took three years for him to come to his senses. Sometimes it takes time to realize your mistakes." Maia was strangely nonchalant about this.

"Maia, he left her a god damn note and left the country for Christ sake. Why are you defending him?" Amelia scowled at her. 

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Maia took a sip of her coffee and looked at me. "I'm sure he still loves you Nadia." I looked at her wide eyed, uncertain, and slightly afraid.

Danny still loves me?

Amelia spoke up again. "Maia, you don't know that." Her brown eyes sharply glared at Maia. "He wouldn't have called if he didn't, now would he?" She didn't even glance at Amelia as she spoke. She kept her eyes on me.

"But-but, what about Leo?" I whispered as sadness clouded my face. Maia mimicked my facial expression. "Oh, Nadia do you really want to stay with an alcoholic like him?" Amelia jerked her head in her direction. "Maia." Her eyes warned her to stop again.

"He's not that good for you." She looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"But his alcoholism isn't that bad he-,"

"He's hurt you before, hasn't he?" Maia cut me off.

"He only hurt me once."

I tried to defend him, but there was weakness in my voice. She was making valid points. "Nadia you called 911 on him." She stated sternly. "Once is enough. If he's hurt you before, who says he can't do it again?"

She sighed. "Nadia, you deserve so much better. Maybe Danny can give that back to you." Amelia grew quiet. I was fighting back tears. "I just need to think about this." I attempted to smile. Maia nodded. "Sure, sure of course, take your time."

Maia turned to Amelia. "Do you have anything to say Amelia?" Amelia looked at Maia, raising an eyebrow in worriment. She sighed and turned to me. "Yeah, just um, think about it." Amelia placed her hand on mine as a comforting gesture.


That night, I sat in bed, conflicted about what I should do. Everything I had with Leo was wonderful, but the thought of being with Danny was intriguing. What if he didn't leave? What if we were still together to this day? What would that be like? Could he bring me the same happiness Leo did?

Would it be better?

My gaze fixed on Leo as he walked over to the bed and lay beside me. "Are we watching the sunrise tomorrow?" He asked eagerly, as he pulled the covers over his body. I faintly smiled.

"I think we should sleep in this time."

He looked surprised, and I felt like I shut him down. He actually seemed like he was willing to watch the sunrise with me this time.

"Oh, okay. Well, that's a surprise, but I don't mind sleeping in with you." He pulled me closer to him, pressing a kiss on my cheek. We lay there in comfortable silence for a while. His skin was warm, and I wondered if I wanted to leave this behind.

It didn't have to be permanent, no, it could be temporary, right? I could see if Danny really loved me, and if he didn't, I could just come straight back to Leo. That seemed like it could work. No harm done, right Nadia?

But what if he did love me, then what?

I sighed deeply, not realizing it was aloud. "Are you okay?" Leo asked. I pulled away from him. "Yeah, I'm fine." Leo sat up and looked at me doubtfully. I knew it wasn't hard to see the distraught written on my face.


I placed my hand on his cheek. "Leo, I'm fine." I quickly smiled before kissing his lips to reassure him. "I promise." He laid back down, and I snuggled up against him. I closed my eyes and listened to his rhythmic breathing.

"Leo?" I whispered.


"I love you."

I heard him chuckle. "I love you too sweetheart."

I made up my mind. I was going to call Danny tomorrow.

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