The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (19)

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That evening, Nadia decided to call Leo. Danny still wasn't back from his 'drive'. She took a deep breath, putting the phone to her ear.

"Please leave your message for..."

She brought her phone down, away from her ear, holding it a few inches away from her mouth. She waited for the beep, indicating she could leave a message. Once she heard it, she grew silent, thinking of what to say.

"Hey Leo." She paused. "Um," She curled her lip back, feeling the sensation of tears beginning to form in her eyes. "Can you call me back, soon? I just-I just have so much to say to you. I need to explain myself. I'm so sorry Leo, you know that I didn't mean anything I did. I never meant to hurt you, to lie,"

She paused again, wiping her face from the few tears that had fallen. She sniffled, now standing up, pacing around the room.

"I wanna see you again, I miss you." She sorrowfully smiled.

"So, um whenever you hear this, or if you hear this, can you call me? Please?" She ended the voice message, tossing her phone onto the bed.

She pressed her hands to her cheeks, heavily sighing. She flinched, hearing the front door open. Nadia continued to face away from the door, her eyes looked out towards the balcony. She wrapped her arms around herself, as if she were cold. The door quietly closed, and she listened to his footsteps approach her, and abruptly stop.

She slowly turned around, noticing Danny's facial expression quickly change when he saw her face. Nadia's sad features mirrored his own. Out of her misery, she ran over to him, as he spread his arms out, enveloping her in his embrace.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, as Nadia quietly sobbed onto his chest. In her mind, Nadia thought Danny was apologizing for his behavior, for everything that happened because of that party. He was truly sorry for her loss of Leo, and what he was going to do to her eventually.

He didn't feel so guilty when he apologized ahead of time.

Nadia slightly pulled away from him, looking up at him. "I'm sorry for running away, and stealing your money and-," Danny gently placed his hand under Nadia's chin, giving her a kiss which she warmly accepted.

Danny lightly chuckled. "It's okay Nadia, it's okay I promise." She furrowed her eyebrows. "You're not mad at me?" She asked innocently.

Danny shook his head. "No. At least, I don't want to be mad at you anymore." He looked down at her. "The real question is, are you still mad at me?" He faintly grinned at her, making a smile appear on her face.

She thought about Jean's words, being on Danny's good side. It would be beneficial to say goodbye to him on good terms.

"No, I'm not mad at you."

Danny rose an eyebrow in comical questioning. "You sure?"

Nadia giggled. "Yes." She leaned onto him again, as he kissed the top of her head. "I promise." She whispered. He hugged her in comfortable silence, before she spoke up again. "You know I leave tomorrow, right?" Nadia reminded him. Danny sighed. "I know."

"So, where's that final surprise?" She asked, a smile crept up her lips.

Danny smiled back at her. "Oh, it's still planned. You'll see."


"How are you feeling?" Amelia asked Leo.

He shrugged, then sighed. "A little better, I guess. Going out for coffee with you isn't so bad, it's kinda therapeutic." Leo looked up at Amelia and smiled. Amelia smiled back at him. "Like I said, I'm here to help. Whatever it takes."

"I don't even like coffee that much." Leo chuckled. "Well, we're not just helping you here, I exist too remember?" Amelia giggled, as he rolled his eyes at her. "Yeah, yeah how could I forget?" They shared a laugh.

Their laughter began to die down, and the sound of the chimes under the front door of the cafe played its little melody indicating someone had come in. Amelia paid no attention to the sound until Leo's face went pale a few moments later.

"Well, well look what we have here."

Amelia cursed in her mind upon hearing that voice.


Amelia sighed annoyingly. "Must be a coincidence huh?" Maia chuckled. "It's like the universe just wanted me to come here and stumble upon you two." Maia grinned.

"What do you want Maia?" Amelia asked harshly. "Hey, hey watch your tone Lia, I haven't done anything." She forcibly sat herself next to Amelia. She glanced at Leo.

"But, since you asked," She trailed off.

"How are you Leo? Still sad about Nadia messing around with Danny?" She smirked. Leo just blankly looked at her, ignoring her questions. She leaned onto the table.

"Do you wanna know a secret?" She whispered to him.

Amelia looked at Maia fearfully, as she was pinned to the closed side of the booth. "Nadia couldn't do this all alone you know that, right?" She took her arms off the table, putting one arm around Amelia's shoulder. Maia chuckled. "She needed a little help from her two best friends." She turned her head towards Amelia. "Isn't that right Amelia?" She smiled at her.

Leo narrowed his eyes at them.

"What?" He managed to choke out.

"Oh, yeah we planned everything out, all three of us. Why do you think Nadia told you that we were taking her to the airport?" She removed her arm from Amelia's shoulder, and leaned onto the table again.

"Because she didn't want you to know." She whispered to his face.

Amelia's face burned in embarrassment, and she was too afraid to say or do anything. "Amelia here, didn't want to feel guilty about being one of the reasons you're such a wreck, so she acted all innocent, and decided to help you. Amelia really made it seem like she's on the good side, on your side." Maia smiled at her, giving her a short mirthless laugh. "That's so sweet of you Lia, really. I bet you lied to him so much to get this far huh?"

Tears rolled down Amelia's cheeks. Maia lightly laughed again. "Oh man, I really feel sorry for you. I'd love to stick around and help but, I've gotta run." She stood up and smiled at them. Amelia angrily glared at her. "Oh, don't look at me like that Amelia, you should have seen this coming."

Maia's face softened. "You can't hide the truth forever you know." Maia glanced at Leo one more time, seeing the vexation in his eyes. "I'll see you later."

Amelia slowly turned to face Leo. She lightly shook her head. "I'm sorry." She whispered, feeling a few tears slip down her face again.

Leo sighed harshly. "First Nadia, then you,"

"I only wanted to-,"

"Help me? Right? That's all you wanted to do? Maybe you could have started out with the truth."

He scoffed as he stood up. "Thanks for nothing."

"Leo," Amelia begged him not to leave, but he simply walked away from her. "Oh, god." Amelia whimpered, crossing her arms over the table, laying her head down in shame. She heard the door chime again. He was gone, and really, there was no point to run after him now.

omg trying to upload this chapter was so stressful lol my powers been going out like crazy
But anyways thanks for reading! Comment/vote if you'd like :)

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