Gunned Down at Dawn (27)

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9 months later

With time, Amelia had figured out Maia had moved out of Texas completely.

She moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, never saying a single word to Nadia. All Nadia wanted was a sincere apology from Maia.

Everything that happened to her was mainly Maia's fault.

All because she hated seeing Nadia in a happy, stable relationship and Maia couldn't wait to sabotage it.

She wanted Nadia to feel the burden of romantic loneliness just as she had.

But that wouldn't happen.

Nadia had someone by her side who loved her. Unlike Maia who secretly gazed at Nadia with envious eyes, constantly reminded of her tragic past relationship.

Maia was a stubborn girl who believed she was right at all times. And when someone questioned or threatened her standing, she made sure to get back at them in any way possible. Everything she planned had to go her way.

It was all about Maia.

Nadia was somewhat glad Maia's toxicity was out of her life, but she still yearned for an apology. She wanted to know if Maia was sorry for what she did.

When Nadia thought of Danny, she wondered if he was ever sorry for what he did too.


Danny pulled up to a Shell gas station. After being on the run for nine months straight, he was back in California. He traveled from state to state, avoiding his charges of first-degree kidnapping, sexual assault, and alleged illicit drug possession.

He was low on the spare money he had and could not go to a bank without the fear of being caught. He was in San Diego, where Christian resided. He wondered if his brother could somehow help him. He grabbed his phone, finding Christian's contact info and shared his location with him.

Danny looked at the clock. 6:37am. He glanced around at the gas station, anxiously squeezing his steering wheel. Danny let out a shaky exhale. "Okay, here we go." He stared into the rear-view mirror, taking out the hazel contact that matched his affected eye.

He stepped out of the car, taking off the false license plate at the back of his car and before he walked inside the convenience store, he purposely looked up into the security camera, giving away his face.

His car was out in the open and his face was seen. He knew with his heterochromia, he was distinctive.

He had given up.

Danny didn't want to run anymore.

He lightly smiled at the clerk who seemed to recognize him from all the news reports throughout California. Danny walked to the back of the store, gazing at all the drinks in the fridges.

He knew the clerk would call 911, so Danny decided to make a few phone calls of his own. He called his mother first, knowing she wouldn't pick up the phone. Danny left her a voice message.

"Mamma, hi, it's me Danny. I'm in a lot of trouble right now and I don't think you can save me from this." He chuckled. "Just don't worry about me Mamma, okay? I'll be fine. I'll see you soon. I love you."

He hung up.

Next, well next was Nadia. Yes, Danny actually had something to say to her after all this time.

He was a bit relieved she didn't answer the phone.

"Nadia, it's me. I'm sure you recognize my voice." Danny sighed, lightly smiling to himself. "I'm not in prison yet, incase you're wondering, but I'm on my way. I'm sure you'd like that."

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