Amelia's Guidance (18)

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Amelia parked her car in her typical parking spot section that was closest to her apartment. She had spent the day with her mother, going to their favorite restaurant. Amelia barely spent time with her mother nowadays, but whenever she was with her, it was a wonderful time.

She got out of her car, unlocking the trunk to get her leftovers. Slightly turning her head to her left, she noticed the car next to hers looked oddly familiar. It was a white Camaro. She shook off the thought, walking to open the trunk. She lifted the hatch, pushing up the trunk. Amelia reached out for her take-out bag, suddenly stopping.

She glanced at the car again, biting her lip, debating to look inside. She sighed, closing the trunk, slowly walking over to the other car's passenger window, peering through. The man in the car turned his head in her direction after noticing her presence. She looked back into the sad blue eyes that gazed at her brown ones.

"Oh, my god, Leo." She whispered in shock.

Amelia knocked on the window, signaling Leo to unlock the door. It took a while for him to comply, but he eventually unlocked the door for her. Amelia quickly got in, shutting the door before she began to speak. "Leo, are you okay? What happened?" His movements were lazily slow, like he was too fatigued to do anything. He sadly chuckled.

"You don't know?" He asked.

Amelia grew fearful of whatever he was gonna tell her. Amelia faintly furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, shaking her head.

"Know what?" She whispered cautiously.

"She didn't tell you? All this time, she's been with Danny in Vegas."

Amelia's eyebrows rose in sadness. Her breath broke as she sighed. She hung her head. Nadia, what did you do? This wasn't supposed to happen, I thought I told you to be careful.

Now, Amelia had to lie to Leo. It was the last thing she wanted to do. He needed someone right now, and she was more than willing to help him, even if it meant holding back the truth. In his current state, it would be easy to deceive him anyway.

"Leo, I'm so sorry." She whispered apologetically. "I had no idea she was with him." Amelia briefly looked away from Leo. Her eyes traveled down to the floor of the car. "I should have known. She seemed so secretive whenever she called me."

Leo's hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, as he looked ahead through the windshield. His eyes were dull, bloodshot, and empty. He sniffled. "You know," he began. "I find it so scary Amelia; she didn't even tell you about it." Tears quickly pooled in his eyes, leaving as fast as they came, sliding down his face. "It makes me wonder what the hell they're doing." He pressed his head down on the steering wheel, trying to suppress his sobs.

"What'd I do wrong Amelia?" He cried, lightly shaking his head side to side. "We were doing so well." Amelia quickly wiped her eyes. She didn't want Leo to see her cry. It really hurt her to see him so heartbroken. She became angry. Angry at Nadia for whatever caused her to get caught, angry at herself for agreeing to this whole mess. She was part of the reason Leo was now devastated. She placed her hand on top of Leo's, that still held onto the steering wheel.

"Nothing. You did nothing wrong Leo, I promise."

"Do you want to go inside? My place is a lot more comforting." Amelia lightly joked. Leo lifted his head off the steering wheel, giving Amelia a half smile. "Yeah sure. That sounds nice."


Amelia placed her hand on Leo's back, guiding him as they walked to her apartment. They walked in comfortable silence, upon reaching the elevator. The doors opened before Amelia could press the button to ascend, and she took a step back. Her eyes widened when she saw Maia on the other side.

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