Plan in Session (5)

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Amelia and Maia walked me back to my apartment. We took baby steps down the hall since I was only one door down. Maia's apartment was in the middle of Amelia's and mine.

"Don't look now, but the one who doesn't deserve you is up ahead." Maia mumbled.

Amelia and I looked up to see Leo. He caught our gaze, specifically mine. He smiled at me, and I involuntarily smiled back. "Ladies," he said as an indirect greeting. "Hey Leo." Amelia forced a smile. He looked at Maia. "Maia?" "Don't waste your breath talking to me." Maia crossed her arms over her chest. Leo raised his eyebrows at Maia's statement and inhaled before sighing, letting out an "okay."


He unlocked my front door, stepped back, and extended his arm as to let me go in first. I smiled politely. "Just give me a moment." He nodded and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Did you have to be so rude?"

Maia just glared at me as if I asked her a stupid question. "He's just trying to be nice." I didn't know what Maia's problem was regarding Leo. She's always been so, abrasive towards him. Maia exhaled, tucking a strand of her jet-black hair behind her ear. "Ok, look. Remember the plan, all right?" I rolled my eyes. She had completely blown me off.  "Tell him once you go inside, then hurry up and pack what you need." "Okay." I spoke softly. "Good luck." Amelia faintly smiled.

"Yeah, remember Nadia, you're doing this for your own good. Just, just remember the reason you even began to date Leo. He was just someone to help you get over what you were going through."

I simply nodded. I felt the urge to cry. 

I wanted to tell Maia that she was wrong.  I knew I didn't want to let Leo go, and I didn't plan on it. I would agree with Maia's disdain towards Leo, but she didn't know him like I did. 

Leo wasn't just someone to help me get over Danny. He was more than that. He supported me more than Maia and Amelia ever did sometimes. So yes, this plan to basically lie in Leo's face and risk our relationship made me want to back out on this. 

But the thought of finally knowing the unknown was so, powerful.

Maia and Amelia hugged me.

"You got this." Maia encouraged me.

"Everything will be okay." Amelia pitched in.

Amelia's words seemed to resonate more to me than Maia's. "Yeah, thanks for your help." I sounded more sarcastic than sincere. Sincerity wasn't real in my voice right now anyway. Maia and Amelia smiled. "We just want what's best for our best friend." Maia reassured me, seeing the doubt in my eyes.

Speak for yourself Maia, do you really know what's best for me?

And with that, we all walked to our own doorsteps and took one look at each other before stepping inside our homes.

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